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- PublicationThermodynamics of small magnetic particles(2017-01-01)In the present paper, we discuss the interpretation of some of the results of the thermodynamics in the case of very small systems. Most of the usual statistical physics is done for systems with a huge number of elements in what is called the thermodynamic limit, but not all of the approximations done for those conditions can be extended to all properties in the case of objects with less than a thousand elements. The starting point is the Ising model in two dimensions (2D) where an analytic solution exits, which allows validating the numerical techniques used in the present article. From there on, we introduce several variations bearing in mind the small systems such as the nanoscopic or even subnanoscopic particles, which are nowadays produced for several applications. Magnetization is the main property investigated aimed for two singular possible devices. The size of the systems (number of magnetic sites) is decreased so as to appreciate the departure from the results valid in the thermodynamic limit; periodic boundary conditions are eliminated to approach the reality of small particles; 1D, 2D and 3D systems are examined to appreciate the differences established by dimensionality is this small world; upon diluting the lattices, the effect of coordination number (bonding) is also explored; since the 2D Ising model is equivalent to the clock model with q = 2 degrees of freedom, we combine previous results with the supplementary degrees of freedom coming from the variation of q up to q = 20 . Most of the previous results are numeric; however, for the case of a very small system, we obtain the exact partition function to compare with the conclusions coming from our numerical results. Conclusions can be summarized in the following way: the laws of thermodynamics remain the same, but the interpretation of the results, averages and numerical treatments need special care for systems with less than about a thousand constituents, and this might need to be adapted for different properties or devices.
- PublicationThe Great Valparaiso Fire and Fire Safety Management in Chile(2015-07-18)The Great Valparaiso Fire started as a wildfire on the outskirts of the city. The fire spread through the wildland–urban interface towards the city. In 5 days, it claimed the lives of 15 people, injured more than 500 people, destroyed over 2,900 homes, burned over 1,000 ha, and displaced approximately 12,500 people. In this Letter to the Editor, several issues that facilitated the tragic events are discussed.
- PublicationMono-Higgs and Mono-Z Production in the Minimal Vector Dark Matter Model(2024-07-01)The minimal vector dark matter is a viable realization of the minimal dark matter paradigm. It extends the standard model by the inclusion of a vector matter field in the adjoint representation of SU(2)L. The dark matter candidate corresponds to the neutral component of the new vector field (V0). Previous studies have shown that the model can explain the observed dark matter abundance while evading direct and indirect searches. At colliders, the attention has been put on the production of the charged companions of the dark matter candidate. In this work, we focus on the mono-Higgs and mono-Z signals at Hadron colliders. The new charged vectors (V±) are invisible unless a dedicated search is performed. Consequently, we assume that the mono-Higgs and mono-Z processes correspond to the pp→hV+,0V−,0 and pp→ZV+,0V−,0 reactions, respectively. We show that, while the pp→hV+,0V−,0 is more important, both channels may produce significant signals at the HL-LHC and colliders running at s=27 TeV and 100 TeV, probing almost the complete parameter space.
- PublicationSequentially loop-generated quark and lepton mass hierarchies in an extended Inert Higgs Doublet model(2019-06-01)Abstract Extended scalar and fermion sectors offer new opportunities for generating the observed strong hierarchies in the fermion mass and mixing patterns of the Standard Model (SM). In this work, we elaborate on the prospects of a particular extension of the Inert Higgs doublet model where the SM hierarchies are generated sequentially by radiative virtual corrections in a fully renormalisable way, i.e. without adding any non-renormalisable Yukawa terms or soft-breaking operators to the scalar potential. Our model has a potential to explain the recently observed R K and R K∗ anomalies, thanks to the non universal U1X assignments of the fermionic fields that yield non universal Z′ couplings to fermions. We explicitly demonstrate the power of this model for generating the realistic quark, lepton and neutrino mass spectra. In particular, we show that due to the presence of both continuous and discrete family symmetries in the considered framework, the top quark acquires a tree-level mass, lighter quarks and leptons get their masses at one- and two-loop order, while neutrino masses are generated at three-loop level. The minimal field content, particle spectra and scalar potential of this model are discussed in detail.
- PublicationA new technique for separation of partial discharge sources and electromagnetic noise in radiofrequency measurements using energy ratios of different antennas(2021-06-01)One of the main tools for monitoring the condition of high voltage equipment is the measurement of partial discharges (PD). The electromagnetic (EM) radiation originated from this degradation phenomenon can be captured by various types of ultra-high frequency (UHF) antennas carefully designed and optimised for specific frequency bands. However, the presence of environmental noise may limit the use of this technique. Different types of monopole antennas normally used in UHF PD measurement have been evaluated in order to validate the performance of a novel separation technique of EM sources. Accordingly, a new separation technique based on the energy ratio of the captured signals was developed, considering noise interferences. The results revealed that the new technique allows an adequate separation, even when three sources act simultaneously.
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- PublicationDirect Observation of Propagating Spin Waves in the 2D van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe5GeTe2(2023-11-22)Magnetism in reduced dimensionalities is of great fundamental interest while also providing perspectives for applications of materials with novel functionalities. In particular, spin dynamics in two dimensions (2D) have become a focus of recent research. Here, we report the observation of coherent propagating spin-wave dynamics in a ∼30 nm thick flake of 2D van der Waals ferromagnet Fe5GeTe2 using X-ray microscopy. Both phase and amplitude information were obtained by direct imaging below TC for frequencies from 2.77 to 3.84 GHz, and the corresponding spin-wave wavelengths were measured to be between 1.5 and 0.5 μm. Thus, parts of the magnonic dispersion relation were determined despite a relatively high magnetic damping of the material. Numerically solving an analytic multilayer model allowed us to corroborate the experimental dispersion relation and predict the influence of changes in the saturation magnetization or interlayer coupling, which could be exploited in future applications by temperature control or stacking of 2D-heterostructures.
- PublicationSelf-organizing neuro-fuzzy inference system(2008-11-10)The architectural design of neuro-fuzzy models is one of the major concern in many important applications. In this work we propose an extension to Rogers’s ANFIS model by providing it with a selforganizing mechanism. The main purpose of this mechanism is to adapt the architecture during the training process by identifying the optimal number of premises and consequents needed to satisfy a user’s performance criterion. Using both synthetic and real data, our proposal yields remarkable results compared to the classical ANFIS.
- PublicationDevelopment of an araucaria araucana beer-like beverage: Process and product(2021-09-01)The seed from the Araucaria araucana (in Spanish, piñon) tree, native to Chile and Argentina, is sold mainly as raw seed. Engineering a process to add value to piñon has the potential to positively impact local indigenous communities with very little ecological impact because it is routinely harvested in the wild. This study evaluated the feasibility of using 100% piñon, or as a blend with barley malt, to produce a beer-like beverage, while also evaluating consumer acceptance of the beverage’s piñon characteristics. Prototypes generated based on 93% piñon and 7% oat (enzymatic treatment of α-amylase, glucoamylase, protease and β-glucanase), as well as 50% piñon and 50% barley (no external enzymatic treatment), were evaluated. Overall acceptability by a consumer acceptance panel (21 consumers) rated the 100% piñon and the piñon–barley malt blend 5/9 and 7/9, respectively. The piñon–barley malt blend prototype stood out for its low level of carbohydrates, high potassium content and banana and clove aromas.
- PublicationHard Two-Body Photodisintegration of He3(2013-06-14)We have measured cross sections for the 3He ! pd reaction at photon energies of 0.4–1.4 GeV and a center-of-mass angle of 90 . We observe dimensional scaling above 0.7 GeV at this center-of-mass angle. This is the first observation of dimensional scaling in the photodisintegration of a nucleus heavier than the deuteron
- PublicationExperimental Observation of Flat Bands in One-Dimensional Chiral Magnonic Crystals(2023-07-26)Spin waves represent the collective excitations of the magnetization field within a magnetic material, providing dispersion curves that can be manipulated by material design and external stimuli. Bulk and surface spin waves can be excited in a thin film with positive or negative group velocities and, by incorporating a symmetrybreaking mechanism, magnetochiral features arise. Here we study the band diagram of a chiral magnonic crystal consisting of a ferromagnetic film incorporating a periodic Dzyaloshinskii−Moriya coupling via interfacial contact with an array of heavy-metal nanowires. We provide experimental evidence for a strong asymmetry of the spin wave amplitude induced by the modulated interfacial Dzyaloshinskii−Moriya interaction, which generates a nonreciprocal propagation. Moreover, we observe the formation of flat spin-wave bands at low frequencies in the band diagram. Calculations reveal that depending on the perpendicular anisotropy, the spin-wave localization associated with the flat modes occurs in the zones with or without Dzyaloshinskii−Moriya interaction.
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