Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Identification of Continuous-Time Linear Parameter Varying Systems with Noisy Scheduling Variable Using Local Regression
    Padilla, Arturo
    Garnier, Hugues
    Chen, Fengwei
    Poblete, Carlos Muñoz
    Some nonlinear systems can be represented through linear parameter varying models. In this work, we address the estimation of continuous-time linear parameter varying models in output error form, using a refined instrumental variable method. A distinguished feature of a linear parameter varying model is that it has parameters that depend on an external signal called the scheduling variable. In this paper, we assume that the scheduling variable is noisy, a condition which is often met in practice, but not frequently considered in the literature. On the other hand, there are applications in which the noise-free version of the scheduling variable is smooth. Under such scenario we can simply filter the scheduling variable before estimating the linear parameter model. Nonetheless, there are cases where special smoothing techniques are required. In this study, we consider one of these special cases, and we use the well-known local regression method as smoothing technique. A numerical example based on a Monte Carlo simulation shows the benefits of the proposed approach.
  • Publication
    Some issues about FL and LAB servo control
    Albertos, P.
    Wei, C.
    Scaglia, G.
    In this paper, the servo control design methodologies based on Feedback Linearization (FL) and Linear Algebra Based (LAB) are applied to nonlinear systems with and without zero dynamics, analysing the case of unstable zero dynamics. Their advantages and drawbacks are discussed. Some examples are developed to illustrate the results.
  • Publication
    Towards a Simple Sampled-Data Control Law for Stably Invertible Linear Systems
    (Science Direct, 2020)
    Claudia Sánchez
    Graham C. Goodwin
    María Serón
    Diego Carrasco
    A new high gain control law is proposed for stably invertible linear systems. The continuous-time case is first studied to set ideas. The extension to the sampled-data case is made difficult by the presence of sampling zeros. For continuous-time systems having relative degree greater than or equal to two, these zeros converge, as the sampling rate approaches zero, to either marginally stable or unstable locations. A methodology which specifically addresses the sampling zero issue is developed. The methodology uses an approximate model which includes, when appropriate, the asymptotic sampling zeros. The core idea is supported by simulation studies. Also, a preliminary theoretical analysis is provided for degree two, showing that the design based on the approximate model stabilizes the true system for the continuous and sampled-data cases
    Scopus© Citations 3