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  • Publication
    Visual model for mapping and morphological referents analysis: Educational application in industrial design
    (2013-01-01) ;
    Rebolledo Arellano, Alonso
    This paper describes the development and implementation of a visual model that allows organization of the morphological referents, starting from the conceptual proposal, for a new product design. The study of the context and its referent objects are recognized and taken into consideration within the initial stage of the design process. Much of the information gathered in this stage is often relegated and not actively considered in the conceptual development of a product. On the other hand, the freedom and lack of systematization that exists to address the formal development, starting from the conceptual proposal stage, triggers an uncertain and unclear development scene. This visual model seeks to associate morphological referents in their diverse levels with the concepts and attributes that define the conceptual proposal stage and present them in an integral diagram that furthers and expands the exploration of formal development. A 4th year design workshop in the industrial design major was implemented at the Universidad del Bío-Bío, wherein the utilization of the model within the proposal phase and its comparative impact with other traditional thematic workshops was carried out and evaluated. The application allowed for the expansion and diversification of creative development design solutions, oriented towards the innovation, in addition to serving as a map that could register the decision making in the design process, within the design team standpoint or from the point of view of the client. The following paper presents a description and application of this model in the teaching of design and discusses its implications on an educational and professional level.