Concurrent sketching model for the industrial product conceptual design
DYNA (Colombia)
Date Issued
Cabello-Mora, Marcela
Hernandis-Ortuño, Bernabé
Conceptual design is one of the earliest stages of product development, and is responsible for defining key aspects of the final product. The
systematic approach addresses this stage by using a disaggregate model of product attributes and their corresponding geometries. This
ultimately serves as a starting point for exploring conceptual proposals. Research into the emergence of various sketch typologies shows
that they are labeled according to aim rather than technical utility. The proposed sketch-based model is intended to serve as a comprehensive
version of the systematic model for conceptual design (Hernandis & Briede, 2009). Sketch outlines are used during various stages of the
model in order to enable and visually assist with cognitive processes and decision-making during the initial theoretical stages, which are
abstract and poorly defined.
systematic approach addresses this stage by using a disaggregate model of product attributes and their corresponding geometries. This
ultimately serves as a starting point for exploring conceptual proposals. Research into the emergence of various sketch typologies shows
that they are labeled according to aim rather than technical utility. The proposed sketch-based model is intended to serve as a comprehensive
version of the systematic model for conceptual design (Hernandis & Briede, 2009). Sketch outlines are used during various stages of the
model in order to enable and visually assist with cognitive processes and decision-making during the initial theoretical stages, which are
abstract and poorly defined.