Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
  • Publication
    Transformerless partial power converter topology for electric vehicle fast charge
    Pesantez, Daniel
    Renaudineau, Hugues
    Rivera, Sebastian
    Peralta, Alejandro
    Marquez Alcaide, Abraham
    Increasing the power rating of electric vehicles (EV) fast charging stations to reduce charging times is considered critical to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles. Besides increasing the power, other drivers pushing the development of EV fast chargers include the improvement of efficiency and reliability. Partial power converters (PPC) have emerged as an interesting option for some of the power converter stages in fast charging stations due to their potential to increase efficiency and power rating. However, some PPCs operate as switched autotransformers by using high frequency (HF) isolation transformers but without providing galvanic isolation. This is a drawback due to cost, size and losses introduced by the transformer. This paper presents a transformerless DC–DC Type I step-up PPC for a DC–DC regulation converter for EV fast charging stations. The proposed converter replaces the transformer commonly used in Type I PPC by an impedance network, resulting in a more efficient, cheaper, and less complex converter option. This concept is verified through simulations and experimentally validated with a laboratory prototype.
  • Publication
    Photovoltaic Module and Submodule Level Power Electronics and Control
    Spagnuolo, Giovanni
    Vinnikov, Dmitri
    The nine papers in this special section focus on photovoltaic module and sub-module level power electronics. Grid connected photovoltaic energy systems have experienced an explosive growth over the last decade, with a cumulative installed capacity surpassing the 400 GW milestone as of 2017. Among PV system configurations, distributed module-level converter architectures can lead to a higher energy yield by mitigating partial shading, persistent shading (soiling, snow, bird droppings, and fallen leaves), mismatch, and aging, through a higher maximum power point tracking (MPPT) efficiency. Also, distributed electronics might be the key for implementing diagnostic and prognostic actions at a module level. Among these configurations, microinverters (also known as ac-module inverter), which connect a single PV module to the grid, and PV power optimizers, which are dc–dc converters performing the MPPT function at a module level, have attracted the academic and industrial interest in the last decade. So much so, that both microinverters and dc–dc power optimizers are commercialized by tens of companies around the world, with a great variety of circuit topologies, which comprise combinations of one or more power stages, interleaved converters, resonant converters, topologies with and without isolation, etc.
    Scopus© Citations 12
  • Publication
    Step-up partial power DC-DC converters for two-stage PV systems with interleaved current performance
    Zapata, Jaime Wladimir
    Carrasco, Gonzalo
    Hugues Renaudineau
    This work presents a partial power converter allowing us to obtain, with a single DC-DC converter, the same feature as the classical interleaved operation of two converters. More precisely, the proposed topology performs similarly as the input-parallel output-series (IPOS) configuration reducing the current ripple at the input of the system and dividing the individual converters power rating, compared to a single converter. The proposed topology consists of a partial DC-DC converter processing only a fraction of the total power, thus allowing high efficiency. Experimental results are provided to validate the proposed converter topology with a Flyback-based 100 W test bench with a transformer turns ratio n 1 = n 2 . Experimental results show high performances reducing the input current ripple around 30 % , further increasing the conversion efficiency.
    Scopus© Citations 27
  • Publication
    A Survey on Capacitor Voltage Control in Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Converters
    Alepuz, Salvador
    Busquets-Monge, Sergio
    Nicolás-Apruzzese, Joan
    Filbà-Martínez, Àlber
    Bordonau, Josep
    Yuan, Xibo
    Neutral-point-clamped multilevel converters are currently a suitable solution for a wide range of applications. It is well known that the capacitor voltage balance is a major issue for this topology. In this paper, a brief summary of the basic topologies, modulations, and features of neutral-point-clamped multilevel converters is presented, prior to a detailed description and analysis of the capacitor voltage balance behavior. Then, the most relevant methods to manage the capacitor voltage balance are presented and discussed, including operation in the overmodulation region, at low frequency-modulation indexes, with different numbers of AC phases, and with different numbers of levels. Both open- and closed-loop methods are discussed. Some methods based on adding external circuitry are also presented and analyzed. Although the focus of the paper is mainly DC–AC conversion, the techniques for capacitor voltage balance in DC–DC conversion are discussed as well. Finally, the paper concludes with some application examples benefiting from the presented techniques.
    Scopus© Citations 23
  • Publication
    Power production losses study by frequency regulation in weak-grid-connected utility-scale photovoltaic plants
    Muñoz-Cruzado-Alba, Jesús
    Rojas, Christian A.
    Díez, Eduardo Galván
    Nowadays, an increasing penetration of utility-scale photovoltaic plants (USPVPs) leads to a change in dynamic and operational characteristics of the power distribution system. USPVPs must help to maintain the system stability and reliability while implementing minimum technical requirements (MTRs) imposed by the utility grid. One of the most significant requirements is about frequency regulation (FR). Overall production of USPVPs is reduced significantly by applying FR curves, especially in weak grids with high rate of frequency faults. The introduction of a battery energy storage system (BESS) reduces losses and improves the grid system reliability. Experimental frequency and irradiance data of several weak grids have been used to analyse USPVPs losses related to FR requirements and benefits from the introduction of a BESS. Moreover, its economic viability is showen without the need for any economic incentives.
    Scopus© Citations 13
  • Publication
    Dual-Boost Inverter for PV Microinverter Application—An Assessment of Control Strategies
    Lopez-Caiza, Diana
    Renaudineau, Hugues
    Muller, Nicolas
    Flores-Bahamonde, Freddy
    Rodriguez, Jose
    Photovoltaic (PV) microinverters have grown rapidly in the small-scale PV market, where typical two-stage converters are used to connect one PV module to the single-phase AC grid. This configuration achieves better performance in terms of energy yield compared with other PV configurations. However, the conversion efficiency of a two-stage system is the main drawback, especially when a high-voltage gain effort is required. In this context, single-stage microinverter topologies have been recently proposed since only one power conversion stage is required to extract the maximum power of the PV module and inject the AC power to the grid. This single-stage configuration allows considerable improvement of the overall efficiency of microinverters by reducing the number of elements in the system. However, the main challenge of these topologies is their control, since all variables of the converter are composed by the AC waveform with DC-bias. In this paper, four control strategies are analyzed for the mainstream single-stage topology, which is the dual-boost inverter (DBI). Classical linear control and three non-linear strategies, namely finite control set–model predictive control, flatness-based control, and sliding mode control, are detailed. The main contribution of this work is a complete comparison of the control strategies, to give insights into the most suitable control strategy for the DBI in PV microinverter application.
    Scopus© Citations 5
  • Publication
    Charging Infrastructure and Grid Integration for Electromobility
    Rivera, Sebastian
    Goetz, Stefan M.
    Lehn, Peter W.
    Pathmanathan, Mehanathan
    Bauer, Pavol
    Mastromauro, Rosa Anna
    Electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure will play a critical role in decarbonization during the next decades, energizing a large share of the transportation sector. This will further increase the enabling role of power electronics converters as an energy transition technology in the widespread adoption of clean energy sources and their efficient use. However, this deep transformation comes with challenges, some of which are already unfolding, such as the slow deployment of charging infrastructure and competing charging standards, and others that will have a long-term impact if not addressed timely, such as the reliability of power converters and power system stability due to loss of system inertia, just to name a few. Nevertheless, the inherent transition toward power systems with higher penetration of power electronics and batteries, together with a layer of communications and information technologies, will also bring opportunities for more flexible and intelligent grid integration and services, which could increase the share of renewable energy in the power grid. This work provides an overview of the existing charging infrastructure ecosystem, covering the different charging technologies for different EV classes, their structure, and configurations, including how they can impact the grid in the future
    Scopus© Citations 50
  • Publication
    Harmonic Impedance Model of Multiple Utility-Interactive Multilevel Photovoltaic Inverters
    Rojas, Christian A.
    Inzunza, Ruben
    Mitsugi, Yasuaki
    Alcaide, Abraham M.
    An important requirement of the power grid with high penetration of renewable energy sources is the mitigation of potential harmonic interactions between different distributed large grid-tie inverters and the mains. This work presents the harmonic interaction between multiple multilevel photovoltaic (PV) inverters based on the well-known T-type neutral-point-clamped inverter (3L-TNPC). The multiple 3L-TNPC is connected in parallel to a common ac bus by using distribution voltage feeders. The analysis is performed by using the Norton equivalence model of each power circuit, its admittance matrix modeling, and the potential overall impedance resonances with the ac grid. The main contribution of this work is the development of a current harmonic injection model of the system operating under a polluted voltage grid for harmonic analysis, while overall filtering design restrictions due to impedance limits based on current and voltage standards are considered. The proposed impedance Norton model is compared with the electromagnetic transient model (EMT model) by using comprehensive simulations, showing good match between both models.
    Scopus© Citations 6
  • Publication
    Hardware-in-the-loop to test an mppt technique of solar photovoltaic system: A support vector machine approach
    González-Castaño, Catalina
    Marulanda, James
    Restrepo, Carlos
    Alzate, Alfonso
    Rodriguez, Jose
    This paper proposes a new method for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of the photovoltaic (PV) system while using a DC-DC boost converter. The conventional perturb and observe (P&O) method has a fast tracking response, but it presents oscillation around the maximum power point (MPP) in steady state. Therefore, to satisfy transient and steady-state responses, this paper presents a MPPT method using support vector machines (SVMs). The use of SVM will help to improve the tracking speed of maximum power point of the PV system without oscillations near MPP. A boost converter is used to implement the MPPT method, where the input voltage of the DC-DC converter is regulated using a double loop where the inner loop is a current control that is based on passivity. The MPPT structure is validated by hardware in the loop, a real time and high-speed simulator (PLECS RT Box 1), and a digital signal controller (DSC) are used to model the PV system and implement the control strategies, respectively. The proposed strategy presents low complexity and it is implemented in a commercial low-cost DSC (TI 28069M). The performance of the MPPT proposed is presented under challenging experimental profiles with solar irradiance and temperature variations across the panel. In addition, the performance of the proposed method is compared with the P&O method, which is traditionally most often used in MPPT under demanding tests, in order to demonstrate the superiority of the strategy presented.
    Scopus© Citations 11
  • Publication
    Editorial: Special issue on modular multilevel converters, 2015
    Perez, Marcelo A.
    Bernet, Steffen
    Rodriguez, Jose
    The articles in this special issue focus on the latest achievements of modular multilevel converters regarding the development of new circuit configurations, converter models, modulation strategies, and control schemes.
    Scopus© Citations 3