Exclusive photoproduction of π0 up to large values of Mandelstam variables s, t, and u with CLAS
Physical Review C
Date Issued
Kunkel, M. C.
Amaryan, M. J.
Strakovsky, I. I.
Ritman, J.
Goldstein, G. R.
Adhikari, K. P.
Adhikari, S.
Avakian, H.
Ball, J.
Balossino, I.
Barion, L.
Battaglieri, M.
Batourine, V.
Bedlinskiy, I.
Biselli, A. S.
Boiarinov, S.
Briscoe, W. J.
Bültmann, S.
Burkert, V. D.
Cao, F.
Carman, D. S.
Celentano, A.
Charles, G.
Chetry, T.
Ciullo, G.
Clark, L.
Cole, P. L.
Contalbrigo, M.
Cortes, O.
Crede, V.
D'Angelo, A.
Dashyan, N.
De Vita, R.
De Sanctis, E.
Degtyarenko, P. V.
Defurne, M.
Deur, A.
Djalali, C.
Dugger, M.
Dupre, R.
Egiyan, H.
El Fassi, L.
Elouadrhiri, L.
Eugenio, P.
Fedotov, G.
Fersch, R.
Filippi, A.
Fradi, A.
Gavalian, G.
Ghandilyan, Y.
Ghosh, S.
Gilfoyle, G. P.
Giovanetti, K. L.
Girod, F. X.
Glazier, D. I.
Gohn, W.
Golovatch, E.
Gothe, R. W.
Griffioen, K. A.
Guo, L.
Guidal, M.
Hafidi, K.
Harrison, N.
Hattawy, M.
Hicks, K.
Holtrop, M.
Hyde, C. E.
Ireland, D. G.
Ishkhanov, B. S.
Isupov, E. L.
Jenkins, D.
Joo, K.
Kabir, M. L.
Keller, D.
Khachatryan, G.
Khachatryan, M.
Khandaker, M.
Kim, A.
Kim, W.
Klein, A.
Klein, F.
Kubarovsky, V.
Kuhn, S. E.
Laget, J. M.
Lanza, L.
Lenisa, P.
Lersch, D.
Livingston, K.
Macgregor, I. J.D.
Markov, N.
Mbianda Njencheu, G.
McKinnon, B.
Mokeev, V.
Montgomery, R. A.
Movsisyan, A.
Munoz Camacho, C.
Exclusive photoproduction cross sections have been measured for the process γp → pπ0[e+e−(γ )] with the
Dalitz decay final state using tagged photon energies in the range of Eγ = 1.275–5.425 GeV. The complete
angular distribution of the final state π0, for the entire photon energy range up to large values of t and u, has been
measured for the first time. The data obtained show that the cross section dσ/dt, at mid to large angles, decreases
with energy as s−6.89±0.26. This is in agreement with the perturbative QCD quark counting rule prediction of
s−7. Paradoxically, the size of angular distribution of measured cross sections is greatly underestimated by the
QCD-based generalized parton distribution mechanism at highest available invariant energy s = 11 GeV2
. At
the same time, the Regge-exchange-based models for π0 photoproduction are more consistent with experimental
Dalitz decay final state using tagged photon energies in the range of Eγ = 1.275–5.425 GeV. The complete
angular distribution of the final state π0, for the entire photon energy range up to large values of t and u, has been
measured for the first time. The data obtained show that the cross section dσ/dt, at mid to large angles, decreases
with energy as s−6.89±0.26. This is in agreement with the perturbative QCD quark counting rule prediction of
s−7. Paradoxically, the size of angular distribution of measured cross sections is greatly underestimated by the
QCD-based generalized parton distribution mechanism at highest available invariant energy s = 11 GeV2
. At
the same time, the Regge-exchange-based models for π0 photoproduction are more consistent with experimental