New aspects of muon-electron nuclear conversion
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Date Issued
Šimkovic, F.
Gutsche, Th
Faessler, Amand
We found a new important tree-level contribution to muon–electron nuclear conversion from neutrino exchange between two
quarks in the same nucleon and demonstrated that this process, contrary to common belief, can be observed in the near future
experiments if there exists a mixed sterile-active neutrino state νh heavier than the quark confinement scale Λc ∼ 1 GeV. From
the present non-observation of muon–electron conversion we derive new experimental constraints on νh − νe,µ mixing
quarks in the same nucleon and demonstrated that this process, contrary to common belief, can be observed in the near future
experiments if there exists a mixed sterile-active neutrino state νh heavier than the quark confinement scale Λc ∼ 1 GeV. From
the present non-observation of muon–electron conversion we derive new experimental constraints on νh − νe,µ mixing