Track reconstruction and matching between emulsion and silicon pixel detectors for the SHiP-charm experiment
Journal of Instrumentation
Date Issued
Ahdida, C.
Akmete, A.
Albanese, R.
Alt, J.
Alexandrov, A.
Anokhina, A.
Aoki, S.
Arduini, G.
Atkin, E.
Azorskiy, N.
Back, J. J.
Bagulya, A.
Baaltasar Dos Santos, F.
Baranov, A.
Bardou, F.
Barker, G. J.
Battistin, M.
Bauche, J.
Bay, A.
Bayliss, V.
Bencivenni, G.
Berdnikov, A. Y.
Berdnikov, Y. A.
Bertani, M.
Betancourt, C.
Bezshyiko, I.
Bezshyyko, O.
Bick, D.
Bieschke, S.
Blanco, A.
Boehm, J.
Bogomilov, M.
Boiarska, I.
Bondarenko, K.
Bonivento, W. M.
Borburgh, J.
Boyarsky, A.
Brenner, R.
Breton, D.
Brignoli, A.
Büscher, V.
Buonaura, A.
Buontempo, S.
Cadeddu, S.
Calcaterra, A.
Calviani, M.
Campanelli, M.
Casolino, M.
Charitonidis, N.
Chau, P.
Chauveau, J.
Chepurnov, A.
Chernyavskiy, M.
Choi, K. Y.
Ciambrone, P.
Cicero, V.
Climescu, M.
Conaboy, A.
Congedo, L.
Cornelis, K.
Cristinziani, M.
Crupano, A.
Dallavalle, G. M.
Datwyler, A.
D'Ambrosio, N.
D'Appollonio, G.
De Asmundis, R.
De Carvalho Saraiva, J.
De Lellis, G.
De Magistris, M.
De Roeck, A.
De Serio, M.
De Simone, D.
Dedenko, L.
Dergachev, P.
Di Crescenzo, A.
Di Giulio, L.
Di Marco, N.
Dijkstra, H.
Dmitrenko, V.
Dougherty, L. A.
Dolmatov, A.
Domenici, D.
Donskov, S.
Drohan, V.
Dubreuil, A.
Durhan, O.
Ehlert, M.
Elikkaya, E.
Enik, T.
Etenko, A.
Fabbri, F.
Fedin, O.
Fedotovs, F.
Felici, G.
V. Lyubovitskij
<jats:p>In July 2018 an optimization run for the proposed charm
cross section measurement for SHiP was performed at the CERN SPS. A
heavy, moving target instrumented with nuclear emulsion films
followed by a silicon pixel tracker was installed in front of the
Goliath magnet at the H4 proton beam-line. Behind the magnet,
scintillating-fibre, drift-tube and RPC detectors were placed. The
purpose of this run was to validate the measurement's feasibility,
to develop the required analysis tools and fine-tune the detector
layout. In this paper, we present the track reconstruction in the
pixel tracker and the track matching with the moving emulsion
detector. The pixel detector performed as expected and it is shown
that, after proper alignment, a vertex matching rate of 87% is
<jats:p>In July 2018 an optimization run for the proposed charm
cross section measurement for SHiP was performed at the CERN SPS. A
heavy, moving target instrumented with nuclear emulsion films
followed by a silicon pixel tracker was installed in front of the
Goliath magnet at the H4 proton beam-line. Behind the magnet,
scintillating-fibre, drift-tube and RPC detectors were placed. The
purpose of this run was to validate the measurement's feasibility,
to develop the required analysis tools and fine-tune the detector
layout. In this paper, we present the track reconstruction in the
pixel tracker and the track matching with the moving emulsion
detector. The pixel detector performed as expected and it is shown
that, after proper alignment, a vertex matching rate of 87% is
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