Now showing 1 - 10 of 12
  • Publication
    The C/N ratio from FUV spectroscopy as a constraint on evolution of the dwarf nova HS 0218 + 3229
    (2023-07-01) ;
    Gänsicke, Boris T.
    Guzmán-Rincón, Laura M.
    Marsh, Tom R.
    Szkody, Paula
    Schreiber, Matthias R.
    de Martino, Domitilla
    Zorotovic, Monica
    El-Badry, Kareem
    Koester, Detlev
    Lagos, Felipe
    ABSTRACT White dwarfs that accrete from non-degenerate companions show anomalous carbon and nitrogen abundances in the photospheres of their stellar components have been postulated to be descendants of supersoft X-ray binaries. Measuring the carbon-to-nitrogen abundance ratio may provide constraints on their past evolution. We fit far-ultraviolet spectroscopy of the cataclysmic variable HS 0218 + 3229 taken with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, and found the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio is about one tenth of the Solar value $(\rm{\log \mathrm{[C/N]}}=-0.56\pm 0.15)$. We also provide estimates of the silicon and aluminium abundances, and upper limits for iron and oxygen. Using the parameters we derived for HS 0218 + 3229 we reconstruct its past. We calculated a grid of mesa models and implemented Gaussian process fits in order to determine its most likely initial binary configuration. We found that an initial mass of the donor of $M_{\rm donor;i}=0.90-0.98,\rm{\mathrm{M}_{\odot }}$ and an initial orbital period of Porb; i = 2.88 d (Porb; i = 3.12–3.16 d) for an assumed initial white dwarf mass of $\rm{M_{\mathrm{WD}}}_\mathrm{;i}=0.83\, \rm{\mathrm{M}_{\odot }}$$(\rm{M_{\mathrm{WD}}}_{\rm ;i}=0.60\, \rm{\mathrm{M}_{\odot }})$ can replicate the measured parameters. The low mass ratio, $M_{\rm donor;i} / \rm{M_{\mathrm{WD}}}_{\rm ;i} =1.08-1.18\, (1.5-1.63)$, suggests that the system did not go through a phase of hydrogen-burning on the white dwarf’s surface. However, we can not exclude a phase of thermal time-scale mass transfer in the past. We predict that HS 0218 + 3229 will evolve below the ≃ 76.2 ± 1 min period minimum for normal cataclysmic variables.
    Scopus© Citations 3
  • Publication
    XGAPS: a sub-arcsec cross-match of galactic plane surveys
    Scaringi, S.
    Monguió, M.
    Knigge, C.
    Fratta, M.
    Gänsicke, B.
    Groot, P. J.
    Rebassa-Mansergas, A.
    ABSTRACT We present a sub-arcsec cross-match of Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3) against the INT Galactic Plane Surveys (IGAPS) and the United Kingdom Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS). The resulting cross-match of Galactic Plane Surveys (XGAPS) provides additional precise photometry (URGO, g, r, i, Hα, J, H, and K) to the Gaia photometry. In building the catalogue, proper motions given in Gaia DR3 are wound back to match the epochs of the IGAPS constituent surveys (INT Photometric HαSurvey of the Northern Galactic Plane, IPHAS, and the UV-Excess Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane, UVEX) and UKIDSS, ensuring high-proper motion objects are appropriately cross-matched. The catalogue contains 33 987 180 sources. The requirement of >3σ parallax detection for every included source means that distances out to 1–1.5 kpc are well covered. In producing XGAPS, we have also trained a Random Forest classifier to discern targets with problematic astrometric solutions. Selection cuts based on the classifier results can be used to clean colour-magnitude and colour–colour diagrams in a controlled and justified manner, as well as producing subsets of astrometrically reliable targets. We provide XGAPS as a 111 column table. Uses of the catalogue include the selection of Galactic targets for multi-object spectroscopic surveys as well as identification of specific Galactic populations.
  • Publication
    An HST COS ultraviolet spectroscopic survey of 311 DA white dwarfs – I. Fundamental parameters and comparative studies
    Sahu, Snehalata
    Gänsicke, Boris T.
    Tremblay, Pier Emmanuel
    Koester, Detlev
    Hermes, J. J.
    Wilson, David J.
    Hoskin, Matthew J.
    Farihi, Jay
    Manser, Christopher J.
    Redfield, Seth
    White dwarf studies carry significant implications across multiple fields of astrophysics, including exoplanets, supernova explosions, and cosmological investigations. Thus, accurate determinations of their fundamental parameters (Teff and log g) are of utmost importance. While optical surveys have provided measurements for many white dwarfs, there is a lack of studies utilizing ultraviolet (UV) data, particularly focusing on the warmer ones that predominantly emit in the UV range. Here, we present the medium-resolution far-UV spectroscopic survey of 311 DA white dwarfs obtained with Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) onboard Hubble Space Telescope confirming 49 photometric Gaia candidates. We used 3D extinction maps, parallaxes, and hydrogen atmosphere models to fit the spectra of the stars that lie in the range $12\, 000 \lt \mbox{$T_{\mathrm{eff}}$}\lt 33\, 000$ K, and $7 \le \mbox{$\log g$}\lt 9.2$. To assess the impact of input physics, we employed two mass–radius relations in the fitting and compared the results with previous studies. The comparisons suggest the COS Teff are systematically lower by 3 per cent, on average, than Balmer line fits while they differ by only 1.5 per cent from optical photometric studies. The mass distributions indicate that the COS masses are smaller by ≈0.05  and 0.02 M⊙ than Balmer lines and photometric masses, respectively. Performing several tests, we find that the discrepancies are either arising due to issues with the COS calibration, broadening theories for hydrogen lines, or interstellar reddening which needs further examination. Based on comparative analysis, we identify 30 binary candidates drawing attention for follow-up studies to confirm their nature.
    Scopus© Citations 7
  • Publication
    Horizontal spreading of planetary debris accreted by white dwarfs
    Cunningham, Tim
    Tremblay, Pier Emmanuel
    Bauer, Evan B.
    Cukanovaite, Elena
    Koester, Detlev
    Farihi, Jay
    Freytag, Bernd
    G¨ansicke, Boris T.
    Ludwig, Hans G¨unter
    Veras, Dimitri
    ABSTRACT White dwarfs with metal-polluted atmospheres have been studied widely in the context of the accretion of rocky debris from evolved planetary systems. One open question is the geometry of accretion and how material arrives and mixes in the white dwarf surface layers. Using the three-dimensional (3D) radiation hydrodynamics code co5bold, we present the first transport coefficients in degenerate star atmospheres that describe the advection–diffusion of a passive scalar across the surface plane. We couple newly derived horizontal diffusion coefficients with previously published vertical diffusion coefficients to provide theoretical constraints on surface spreading of metals in white dwarfs. Our grid of 3D simulations probes the vast majority of the parameter space of convective white dwarfs, with pure-hydrogen atmospheres in the effective temperature range of 6000–18 000 K and pure-helium atmospheres in the range of 12 000–34 000 K. Our results suggest that warm hydrogen-rich atmospheres (DA; ${\gtrsim} 13\, 000$ K) and helium-rich atmospheres (DB and DBA; ${\gtrsim} 30\, 000$ K) are unable to efficiently spread the accreted metals across their surface, regardless of the time dependence of accretion. This result may be at odds with the current non-detection of surface abundance variations in white dwarfs with debris discs. For cooler hydrogen- and helium-rich atmospheres, we predict a largely homogeneous distribution of metals across the surface within a vertical diffusion time-scale. This is typically less than 0.1 per cent of disc lifetime estimates, a quantity that is revisited in this paper using the overshoot results. These results have relevance for studies of the bulk composition of evolved planetary systems and models of accretion disc physics.
    Scopus© Citations 24
  • Publication
    Systematic uncertainties in the characterization of helium-dominated metal-polluted white dwarf atmospheres
    Izquierdo, Paula
    Gänsicke, Boris T.
    Rodríguez-Gil, Pablo
    Koester, Detlev
    Gentile Fusillo, Nicola P.
    Pala, Anna F.
    Tremblay, Pier Emmanuel
    Abstract White dwarf photospheric parameters are usually obtained by means of spectroscopic or photometric analysis. These results are not always consistent with each other, with the published values often including just the statistical uncertainties. The differences are more dramatic for white dwarfs with helium-dominated photospheres, so to obtain realistic uncertainties we have analysed a sample of 13 of these white dwarfs, applying both techniques to up to three different spectroscopic and photometric data sets for each star. We found mean standard deviations of $\left\langle \sigma {T_{\mathrm{eff}}}\right\rangle = 524$ K, $\left\langle \sigma {\log g}\right\rangle = 0.27$ dex and $\left\langle \sigma {\log (\mathrm{H/He})}\right\rangle = 0.31$ dex for the effective temperature, surface gravity, and relative hydrogen abundance, respectively, when modelling diverse spectroscopic data. The photometric fits provided mean standard deviations up to $\left\langle \sigma {T_{\mathrm{eff}}}\right\rangle = 1210$ K and $\left\langle \sigma {\log g}\right\rangle = 0.13$ dex. We suggest these values to be adopted as realistic lower limits to the published uncertainties in parameters derived from spectroscopic and photometric fits for white dwarfs with similar characteristics. In addition, we investigate the effect of fitting the observational data adopting three different photospheric chemical compositions. In general, pure helium model spectra result in larger Teff compared to those derived from models with traces of hydrogen. The log g shows opposite trends: smaller spectroscopic values and larger photometric ones when compared to models with hydrogen. The addition of metals to the models also affects the derived atmospheric parameters, but a clear trend is not found.
    Scopus© Citations 9
  • Publication
    White dwarf pollution by hydrated planetary remnants: Hydrogen and metals in WD J204713.76-125908.9
    Hoskin, Matthew J.
    Gänsicke, Boris T.
    Raddi, Roberto
    Koester, Detlev
    Pala, Anna F.
    Manser, Christopher J.
    Farihi, Jay
    Belmonte, Maria Teresa
    Hollands, Mark
    Fusillo, Nicola Gentile
    Swan, Andrew
    ABSTRACT WD J204713.76–125908.9 is a new addition to the small class of white dwarfs with helium-dominated photospheres that exhibit strong Balmer absorption lines and atmospheric metal pollution. The exceptional abundances of hydrogen observed in these stars may be the result of accretion of water-rich rocky bodies. We obtained far-ultraviolet and optical spectroscopy of WD J204713.76–125908.9 using the Cosmic Origin Spectrograph on-board the Hubble Space Telescope and X-shooter on the Very Large Telescope, and identify photospheric absorption lines of nine metals: C, O, Mg, Si, P, S, Ca, Fe, and Ni. The abundance ratios are consistent with the steady-state accretion of exo-planetesimal debris rich in the volatile elements carbon and oxygen, and the transitional element sulphur, by factors of 17, 2, and 4, respectively, compared to the bulk Earth. The parent body has a composition akin to Solar system carbonaceous chondrites, and the inferred minimum mass, 1.6 × 1020 g, is comparable to an asteroid 23 km in radius. We model the composition of the disrupted parent body, finding from our simulations a median water mass fraction of 8 per cent.
    Scopus© Citations 30
  • Publication
    Three Hypervelocity White Dwarfs in Gaia DR2: Evidence for Dynamically Driven Double-degenerate Double-detonation Type Ia Supernovae
    Shen, Ken J.
    Boubert, Douglas
    Gansicke, Boris T.
    Jha, Saurabh W.
    Andrews, Jennifer E.
    Chomiuk, Laura
    Foley, Ryan J.
    Fraser, Morgan
    Gromadzki, Mariusz
    Guillochon, James
    Kotze, Marissa M.
    Maguire, Kate
    Siebert, Matthew R.
    Smith, Nathan
    Strader, Jay
    Badenes, Carles
    Kerzendorf, Wolfgang E.
    Koester, Detlev
    Kromer, Markus
    Miles, Broxton
    Pakmor, Rüdiger
    Schwab, Josiah
    Toonen, Silvia
    Townsley, Dean M.
    Williams, Brian J.
    Abstract Double detonations in double white dwarf (WD) binaries undergoing unstable mass transfer have emerged in recent years as one of the most promising Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) progenitor scenarios. One potential outcome of this “dynamically driven double-degenerate double-detonation” (D6) scenario is that the companion WD survives the explosion and is flung away with a velocity equal to its >1000 km s−1 pre-SN orbital velocity. We perform a search for these hypervelocity runaway WDs using Gaia's second data release. In this paper, we discuss seven candidates followed up with ground-based instruments. Three sources are likely to be some of the fastest known stars in the Milky Way, with total Galactocentric velocities between 1000 and 3000 km s−1, and are consistent with having previously been companion WDs in pre-SN Ia systems. However, although the radial velocity of one of the stars is >1000 km s−1, the radial velocities of the other two stars are puzzlingly consistent with 0. The combined five-parameter astrometric solutions from Gaia and radial velocities from follow-up spectra yield tentative 6D confirmation of the D6 scenario. The past position of one of these stars places it within a faint, old SN remnant, further strengthening the interpretation of these candidates as hypervelocity runaways from binary systems that underwent SNe Ia.
    Scopus© Citations 163
  • Publication
    Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA): Time-dependent Convection, Energy Conservation, Automatic Differentiation, and Infrastructure
    Jermyn, Adam S.
    Bauer, Evan B.
    Schwab, Josiah
    Farmer, R.
    Ball, Warrick H.
    Bellinger, Earl P.
    Dotter, Aaron
    Joyce, Meridith
    Marchant, Pablo
    Mombarg, Joey S.G.
    Wolf, William M.
    Sunny Wong, Tin Long
    Cinquegrana, Giulia C.
    Farrell, Eoin
    Smolec, R.
    Thoul, Anne
    Cantiello, Matteo
    Herwig, Falk
    Bildsten, Lars
    Townsend, Richard H.D.
    Timmes, F. X.
    Abstract We update the capabilities of the open-knowledge software instrument Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA). The new auto_diff module implements automatic differentiation in MESA, an enabling capability that alleviates the need for hard-coded analytic expressions or finite-difference approximations. We significantly enhance the treatment of the growth and decay of convection in MESA with a new model for time-dependent convection, which is particularly important during late-stage nuclear burning in massive stars and electron-degenerate ignition events. We strengthen MESA’s implementation of the equation of state, and we quantify continued improvements to energy accounting and solver accuracy through a discussion of different energy equation features and enhancements. To improve the modeling of stars in MESA, we describe key updates to the treatment of stellar atmospheres, molecular opacities, Compton opacities, conductive opacities, element diffusion coefficients, and nuclear reaction rates. We introduce treatments of starspots, an important consideration for low-mass stars, and modifications for superadiabatic convection in radiation-dominated regions. We describe new approaches for increasing the efficiency of calculating monochromatic opacities and radiative levitation, and for increasing the efficiency of evolving the late stages of massive stars with a new operator-split nuclear burning mode. We close by discussing major updates to MESA’s software infrastructure that enhance source code development and community engagement.
    Scopus© Citations 166
  • Publication
    SDSS J124043.01+671034.68: The partially burned remnant of a low-mass white dwarf that underwent thermonuclear ignition?
    Gänsicke, Boris T.
    Koester, Detlev
    Raddi, Roberto
    Kepler, S. O.
    ABSTRACT The white dwarf SDSS J124043.01+671034.68 (SDSS J1240+6710) was previously found to have an oxygen-dominated atmosphere with significant traces of neon, magnesium, and silicon. A possible origin via a violent late thermal pulse or binary interactions has been suggested to explain this very unusual photospheric composition. We report the additional detection of carbon, sodium, and aluminium in far-ultraviolet and optical follow-up spectroscopy. No iron-group elements are detected, with tight upper limits on titanium, iron, cobalt, and nickel, suggesting that the star underwent partial oxygen burning, but failed to ignite silicon burning. Modelling the spectral energy distribution and adopting the distance based on the Gaia parallax, we infer a low white dwarf mass, $M_\mathrm{wd}=0.41\pm 0.05\, \mathrm{M}_\odot$. The large space velocity of SDSS J1240+6710, computed from the Gaia proper motion and its radial velocity, is compatible with a Galactic rest-frame velocity of ≃ 250 km s−1 in the opposite direction with respect to the Galactic rotation, strongly supporting a binary origin of this star. We discuss the properties of SDSS J1240+6710 in the context of the recently identified survivors of thermonuclear supernovae, the D6 and LP 40−365 stars, and conclude that it is unlikely related to either of those two groups. We tentatively suggest that SDSS J1240+6710 is the partially burned remnant of a low-mass white dwarf that underwent a thermonuclear event.
    Scopus© Citations 7
  • Publication
    Testing Lyα Emission-line Reconstruction Routines at Multiple Velocities in One System
    Wilson, David J.
    Youngblood, Allison
    Drake, Jeremy J.
    France, Kevin
    Froning, Cynthia S.
    Gänsicke, Boris T.
    Redfield, Seth
    Wood, Brian E.
    Abstract The 1215.67 Å H i Lyα emission line dominates the ultraviolet flux of low-mass stars, including the majority of known exoplanet hosts. Unfortunately, strong attenuation by the interstellar medium (ISM) obscures the line core in most stars, requiring the intrinsic Lyα flux to be reconstructed based on fits to the line wings. We present a test of the widely used Lyα emission-line reconstruction code lyapy using phase-resolved, medium-resolution STIS G140M observations of the close white dwarf–M dwarf binary EG UMa. The Doppler shifts induced by the binary orbital motion move the Lyα emission line in and out of the region of strong ISM attenuation. Reconstructions of each spectrum should produce the same Lyα profile regardless of phase, under the well-justified assumption that there is no intrinsic line variability between observations. Instead, we find that the reconstructions underestimate the Lyα flux by almost a factor of 2 for the lowest velocity, most attenuated spectrum, due to a degeneracy between the intrinsic Lyα and ISM profiles. Our results imply that many stellar Lyα fluxes derived from G140M spectra reported in the literature may be underestimated, with potential consequences for, for example, estimates of extreme-ultraviolet stellar spectra and ultraviolet inputs into simulations of exoplanet atmospheres.
    Scopus© Citations 2