Pezoa, Raquel
Pezoa, Raquel
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Campus Casa Central Valparaíso
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- PublicationA search for an unexpected asymmetry in the production of e+μ− and e−μ+ pairs in proton–proton collisions recorded by the ATLAS detector at s=13 TeV(2022-07-10)
;Aad, G. ;Abbott, B. ;Abbott, D. C. ;Abed Abud, A. ;Abeling, K. ;Abhayasinghe, D. K. ;Abidi, S. H. ;Aboulhorma, A. ;Abramowicz, H. ;Abreu, H. ;Abulaiti, Y. ;Abusleme Hoffman, A. C. ;Acharya, B. S. ;Achkar, B. ;Adam, L. ;Adam Bourdarios, C. ;Adamczyk, L. ;Adamek, L. ;Addepalli, S. V. ;Adelman, J. ;Adiguzel, A. ;Adorni, S. ;Adye, T. ;Affolder, A. A. ;Afik, Y. ;Agapopoulou, C. ;Agaras, M. N. ;Agarwala, J. ;Aggarwal, A. ;Agheorghiesei, C. ;Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A. ;Ahmad, A. ;Ahmadov, F. ;Ahmed, W. S. ;Ai, X. ;Aielli, G. ;Aizenberg, I. ;Akatsuka, S. ;Akbiyik, M. ;Åkesson, T. P.A. ;Akimov, A. V. ;Al Khoury, K. ;Alberghi, G. L. ;Albert, J. ;Albicocco, P. ;Alconada Verzini, M. J. ;Alderweireldt, S. ;Aleksa, M. ;Aleksandrov, I. N. ;Alexa, C. ;Alexopoulos, T. ;Alfonsi, A. ;Alfonsi, F. ;Alhroob, M. ;Ali, B. ;Ali, S. ;Aliev, M. ;Alimonti, G. ;Allaire, C. ;Allbrooke, B. M.M. ;Allport, P. P. ;Aloisio, A. ;Alonso, F. ;Alpigiani, C. ;Alunno Camelia, E. ;Alvarez Estevez, M. ;Alviggi, M. G. ;Amaral Coutinho, Y. ;Ambler, A. ;Ambroz, L. ;Amelung, C. ;Amidei, D. ;Amor Dos Santos, S. P. ;Amoroso, S. ;Amos, K. R. ;Amrouche, C. S. ;Ananiev, V. ;Anastopoulos, C. ;Andari, N. ;Andeen, T. ;Anders, J. K. ;Andrean, S. Y. ;Andreazza, A. ;Angelidakis, S. ;Angerami, A. ;Anisenkov, A. V. ;Annovi, A. ;Antel, C. ;Anthony, M. T. ;Antipov, E. ;Antonelli, M. ;Antrim, D. J.A. ;Anulli, F.; ; ; ;C.M. Robles Gajardo; ;Araujo Ferraz, V.Arcangeletti, C.This search, a type not previously performed at ATLAS, uses a comparison of the production cross sections for e+μ− and e−μ+ pairs to constrain physics processes beyond the Standard Model. It uses 139 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded at √s = 13 TeV at the LHC. Targeting sources of new physics which prefer final states containing e+μ− to e−μ+, the search contains two broad signal regions which are used to provide model-independent constraints on the ratio of cross sections at the 2% level. The search also has two special selections targeting supersymmetric models and leptoquark signatures. Observations using one of these selections are able to exclude, at 95% confidence level, singly produced smuons with masses up to 640 GeV in a model in which the only other light sparticle is a neutralino when the Rparity-violating coupling λ 231 is close to unity. Observations using the other selection exclude scalar leptoquarks with masses below 1880 GeV when geu 1R = g μc 1R = 1, at 95% confidence level. The limit on the coupling reduces to geu 1R = g μc 1R = 0.46 for a mass of 1420 GeV.Scopus© Citations 3 - PublicationMeasurement of t-channel single-top-quark production in pp collisions at s=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector(2024-07-01)
;Aad, G. ;Abbott, B. ;Abeling, K. ;Abicht, N. J. ;Abidi, S. H. ;Aboulhorma, A. ;Abramowicz, H. ;Abreu, H. ;Abulaiti, Y. ;Acharya, B. S. ;Adam Bourdarios, C. ;Adamczyk, L. ;Adamek, L. ;Addepalli, S. V. ;Addison, M. J. ;Adelman, J. ;Adiguzel, A. ;Adye, T. ;Affolder, A. A. ;Afik, Y. ;Agaras, M. N. ;Agarwala, J. ;Aggarwal, A. ;Agheorghiesei, C. ;Ahmad, A. ;Ahmadov, F. ;Ahmed, W. S. ;Ahuja, S. ;Ai, X. ;Aielli, G. ;Aikot, A. ;Ait Tamlihat, M. ;Aitbenchikh, B. ;Aizenberg, I. ;Akbiyik, M. ;Åkesson, T. P.A. ;Akimov, A. V. ;Akiyama, D. ;Akolkar, N. N. ;Al Khoury, K. ;Alberghi, G. L. ;Albert, J. ;Albicocco, P. ;Albouy, G. L. ;Alderweireldt, S. ;Aleksa, M. ;Aleksandrov, I. N. ;Alexa, C. ;Alexopoulos, T. ;Alfonsi, F. ;Algren, M. ;Alhroob, M. ;Ali, B. ;Ali, H. M.J. ;Ali, S. ;Alibocus, S. W. ;Aliev, M. ;Alimonti, G. ;Alkakhi, W. ;Allaire, C. ;Allbrooke, B. M.M. ;Allen, J. F. ;Allendes Flores, C. A. ;Allport, P. P. ;Aloisio, A. ;Alonso, F. ;Alpigiani, C. ;Alvarez Estevez, M. ;Alvarez Fernandez, A. ;Alves Cardoso, M. ;Alviggi, M. G. ;Aly, M. ;Amaral Coutinho, Y. ;Ambler, A. ;Amelung, C. ;Amerl, M. ;Ames, C. G. ;Amidei, D. ;Amor Dos Santos, S. P. ;Amos, K. R. ;Ananiev, V. ;Anastopoulos, C. ;Andeen, T. ;Anders, J. K. ;Andrean, S. Y. ;Andreazza, A. ;Angelidakis, S. ;Angerami, A. ;Anisenkov, A. V. ;Annovi, A. ;Antel, C. ;Anthony, M. T. ;Antipov, E. ;Antonelli, M. ;Anulli, F. ;Aoki, M. ;Aoki, T. ;Aparisi Pozo, J. A. ;Aparo, M. A. ;Aperio Bella, L.; ; ;Fernandez Luengo, S.I.; ;Carolina Robles Gajardo; The observation of the electroweak production of single-top-quarks is made using 255 pb−1 of proton-proton collision data recorded at s√=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. An event selection is used to identify single-top-quark candidates arising from t-channel production with the top quark decaying semi-leptonically. Events passing the selection are then used to measure the inclusive cross-section for the combined production of single-top-quarks and antiquarks, σ(tq+t¯q), and the ratio Rt between these two. They are measured to be σ(tq+t¯q)=27.1+4.4−4.1(stat.)+4.4−3.7(syst.) pb and Rt=2.73+1.43−0.82(stat.)+1.01−0.29(syst.). The individual single-top-quark (tq) and single-top-antiquark (t¯q) production cross-sections are measured to be σ(tq)=19.8+3.9−3.1(stat.)+2.9−2.2(syst.) pb and σ(t¯q)=7.3+3.2−2.1(stat.)+2.8−1.5(syst.) pb. All measurements are in good agreement with the Standard Model predictions. - PublicationMeasurement of the Centrality Dependence of the Dijet Yield in Formula Presented Collisions at Formula Presented with the ATLAS Detector(2024-03-08)
;Filmer, E. K. ;Grant, C. M. ;Jackson, P. ;Kong, A. X.Y. ;Pandya, H. D. ;Potti, H. ;Ruggeri, T. A. ;Ting, E. X.L. ;White, M. J. ;Gingrich, D. M. ;Lindon, J. H. ;Nishu, N. ;Pinfold, J. L. ;Cakir, O. ;Yildiz, H. Duran ;Kuday, S. ;Turk Cakir, I. ;Sultansoy, S. ;Adam Bourdarios, C. ;Arnaez, O. ;Berger, N. ;Castillo, F. L. ;Costanza, F. ;Delmastro, M. ;Di Ciaccio, L. ;Hryn’ova, T. ;Jézéquel, S. ;Koletsou, I. ;Levêque, J. ;Lewis, D. J. ;Little, J. D. ;Lorenzo Martinez, N. ;Poddar, G. ;Sanchez Pineda, A. ;Sauvan, E. ;Bernardi, G. ;Bomben, M. ;Li, A. ;Li, T. ;Marchiori, G. ;Nakkalil, K. ;Shen, Q. ;Zhang, Y. ;Chekanov, S. ;Darmora, S. ;Hopkins, W. H. ;Hoya, J. ;Love, J. ;Luongo, N. A. ;Metcalfe, J. ;Mete, A. S. ;Paramonov, A. ;Proudfoot, J. ;Van Gemmeren, P. ;Wamorkar, T. ;Wang, R. ;Zhang, J. ;Cheu, E. ;Cui, Z. ;Ghosh, A. ;Johns, K. A. ;Lampl, W. ;Lindley, R. E. ;Loch, P. ;Rutherfoord, J. P. ;Sardain, J. ;Varnes, E. W. ;Zhou, H. ;Zhou, Y. ;Bakshi Gupta, D. ;Burghgrave, B. ;Cardenas, J. C.J. ;De, K. ;Farbin, A. ;Hadavand, H. K. ;Myers, A. J. ;Ozturk, N. ;Usai, G. ;White, A. ;Angelidakis, S. ;Fassouliotis, D. ;Fountas, L. ;Gkialas, I. ;Kourkoumelis, C. ;Alexopoulos, T. ;Drivas-Koulouris, I. ;Gazis, E. N. ;Kitsaki, C. ;Maltezos, S. ;Paraskevopoulos, C. ;Perganti, M.; ; ; ;Fernandez Luengo, S.I. ;Fuenzalida Garrido, S.; ;Robles Gajardo, C.M.; Viaux Maira, N.ATLAS measured the centrality dependence of the dijet yield using 165 nb−1 of 𝑝+Pb data collected at √𝑠NN=8.16 TeV in 2016. The event centrality, which reflects the 𝑝+Pb impact parameter, is characterized by the total transverse energy registered in the Pb-going side of the forward calorimeter. The central-to-peripheral ratio of the scaled dijet yields, 𝑅CP, is evaluated, and the results are presented as a function of variables that reflect the kinematics of the initial hard parton scattering process. The 𝑅CP shows a scaling with the Bjorken 𝑥 of the parton originating from the proton, 𝑥𝑝, while no such trend is observed as a function of 𝑥Pb. This analysis provides unique input to understanding the role of small proton spatial configurations in 𝑝+Pb collisions by covering parton momentum fractions from the valence region down to 𝑥𝑝∼10−3 and 𝑥Pb∼4×10−4.Scopus© Citations 1 - PublicationSearch for Higgs bosons decaying into new spin-0 or spin-1 particles in four-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector with 139 fb −1 of pp collision data at √s = 13 TeV(2022-03-01)
;Aad, G. ;Abbott, B. ;Abbott, D. C. ;Abed Abud, A. ;Abeling, K. ;Abhayasinghe, D. K. ;Abidi, S. H. ;Aboulhorma, A. ;Abramowicz, H. ;Abreu, H. ;Abulaiti, Y. ;Abusleme Hoffman, A. C. ;Acharya, B. S. ;Achkar, B. ;Adam, L. ;Adam Bourdarios, C. ;Adamczyk, L. ;Adamek, L. ;Addepalli, S. V. ;Adelman, J. ;Adiguzel, A. ;Adorni, S. ;Adye, T. ;Affolder, A. A. ;Afik, Y. ;Agapopoulou, C. ;Agaras, M. N. ;Agarwala, J. ;Aggarwal, A. ;Agheorghiesei, C. ;Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A. ;Ahmad, A. ;Ahmadov, F. ;Ahmed, W. S. ;Ai, X. ;Aielli, G. ;Aizenberg, I. ;Akatsuka, S. ;Akbiyik, M. ;Åkesson, T. P.A. ;Akimov, A. V. ;Al Khoury, K. ;Alberghi, G. L. ;Albert, J. ;Albicocco, P. ;Alconada Verzini, M. J. ;Alderweireldt, S. ;Aleksa, M. ;Aleksandrov, I. N. ;Alexa, C. ;Alexopoulos, T. ;Alfonsi, A. ;Alfonsi, F. ;Alhroob, M. ;Ali, B. ;Ali, S. ;Aliev, M. ;Alimonti, G. ;Allaire, C. ;Allbrooke, B. M.M. ;Allport, P. P. ;Aloisio, A. ;Alonso, F. ;Alpigiani, C. ;Alunno Camelia, E. ;Alvarez Estevez, M. ;Alviggi, M. G. ;Amaral Coutinho, Y. ;Ambler, A. ;Ambroz, L. ;Amelung, C. ;Amidei, D. ;Amor Dos Santos, S. P. ;Amoroso, S. ;Amos, K. R. ;Amrouche, C. S. ;Ananiev, V. ;Anastopoulos, C. ;Andari, N. ;Andeen, T. ;Anders, J. K. ;Andrean, S. Y. ;Andreazza, A. ;Angelidakis, S. ;Angerami, A. ;Anisenkov, A. V. ;Annovi, A. ;Antel, C. ;Anthony, M. T. ;Antipov, E. ;Antonelli, M. ;Antrim, D. J.A. ;Anulli, F. ;Aoki, M. ;Aparisi Pozo, J. A. ;Aparo, M. A. ;Aperio Bella, L.; ; ; ;C. M. Robles GuajardoSearches are conducted for new spin-0 or spin-1 bosons using events where a Higgs boson with mass 125 GeV decays into four leptons (ℓ = e, μ). This decay is presumed to occur via an intermediate state which contains two on-shell, promptly decaying bosons: H → XX/ZX → 4ℓ, where the new boson X has a mass between 1 and 60 GeV. The search uses pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC with an integrated luminosity of 139 fb−1 at a centre-of-mass energy = 13 TeV. The data are found to be consistent with Standard Model expectations. Limits are set on fiducial cross sections and on the branching ratio of the Higgs boson to decay into XX/ZX, improving those from previous publications by a factor between two and four. Limits are also set on mixing parameters relevant in extensions of the Standard Model containing a dark sector where X is interpreted to be a dark boson.Scopus© Citations 24 - PublicationMeasurement of vector boson production cross sections and their ratios using pp collisions at s=13.6 TeV with the ATLAS detector(2024-07-01)
;Aad, G. ;Aakvaag, E. ;Abbott, B. ;Abdelhameed, S. ;Abeling, K. ;Abicht, N. J. ;Abidi, S. H. ;Aboelela, M. ;Aboulhorma, A. ;Abramowicz, H. ;Abreu, H. ;Abulaiti, Y. ;Acharya, B. S. ;Ackermann, A. ;Adam Bourdarios, C. ;Adamczyk, L. ;Addepalli, S. V. ;Addison, M. J. ;Adelman, J. ;Adiguzel, A. ;Adye, T. ;Affolder, A. A. ;Afik, Y. ;Agaras, M. N. ;Agarwala, J. ;Aggarwal, A. ;Agheorghiesei, C. ;Ahmad, A. ;Ahmadov, F. ;Ahmed, W. S. ;Ahuja, S. ;Ai, X. ;Aielli, G. ;Aikot, A. ;Ait Tamlihat, M. ;Aitbenchikh, B. ;Akbiyik, M. ;Åkesson, T. P.A. ;Akimov, A. V. ;Akiyama, D. ;Akolkar, N. N. ;Aktas, S. ;Al Khoury, K. ;Alberghi, G. L. ;Albert, J. ;Albicocco, P. ;Albouy, G. L. ;Alderweireldt, S. ;Alegria, Z. L. ;Aleksa, M. ;Aleksandrov, I. N. ;Alexa, C. ;Alexopoulos, T. ;Alfonsi, F. ;Algren, M. ;Alhroob, M. ;Ali, B. ;Ali, H. M.J. ;Ali, S. ;Alibocus, S. W. ;Aliev, M. ;Alimonti, G. ;Alkakhi, W. ;Allaire, C. ;Allbrooke, B. M.M. ;Allen, J. F. ;Allendes Flores, C. A. ;Allport, P. P. ;Aloisio, A. ;Alonso, F. ;Alpigiani, C. ;Alsolami, Z. M.K. ;Alvarez Estevez, M. ;Alvarez Fernandez, A. ;Alves Cardoso, M. ;Alviggi, M. G. ;Aly, M. ;Amaral Coutinho, Y. ;Ambler, A. ;Amelung, C. ;Amerl, M. ;Ames, C. G. ;Amidei, D. ;Amirie, K. J. ;Amor Dos Santos, S. P. ;Amos, K. R. ;An, S. ;Ananiev, V. ;Anastopoulos, C. ;Andeen, T. ;Anders, J. K. ;Andrean, S. Y. ;Andreazza, A. ;Angelidakis, S. ;Angerami, A. ;Anisenkov, A. V. ;Annovi, A. ;Antel, C. ;Antipov, E. ;Antonelli, M.; ;Fernandez Luengo, S.I. ;Fuenzalida Garrido, S.; ;Carolina Robles Gajardo; Fiducial and total 𝑊 ± and 𝑍 boson cross sections, their ratios and the ratio of top-antitop-quark pair and 𝑊 -boson fiducial cross sections are measured in proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √𝑠 = 13.6 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 29 fb−1 of data collected in 2022 by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The measured fiducial cross-section values for 𝑊 + → 𝓁+𝜈, 𝑊 − → 𝓁−𝜈̄, and 𝑍 → 𝓁+𝓁− (𝓁 = 𝑒 or 𝜇) boson productions are 4250 ± 150 pb, 3310 ± 120 pb, and 744 ± 20 pb, respectively, where the uncertainty is the total uncertainty, including that arising from the luminosity of about 2.2%. The measurements are in agreement with Standard-Model predictions calculated at next-to-next-to-leading-order in 𝛼𝑠 , next-to-nextto-leading logarithmic accuracy and next-to-leading-order electroweak accuracy - PublicationAzimuthal Angle Correlations of Muons Produced via Heavy-Flavor Decays in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb and pp Collisions with the ATLAS Detector(2024-05-17)
;Filmer, E. K. ;Grant, C. M. ;Jackson, P. ;Kong, A. X.Y. ;Pandya, H. D. ;Potti, H. ;Ruggeri, T. A. ;Ting, E. X.L. ;White, M. J. ;Gingrich, D. M. ;Lindon, J. H. ;Nishu, N. ;Pinfold, J. L. ;Cakir, O. ;Yildiz, H. Duran ;Kuday, S. ;Turk Cakir, I. ;Sultansoy, S. ;Adam Bourdarios, C. ;Arnaez, O. ;Berger, N. ;Castillo, F. L. ;Costanza, F. ;Delmastro, M. ;Di Ciaccio, L. ;Hryn’ova, T. ;Jézéquel, S. ;Koletsou, I. ;Levêque, J. ;Lewis, D. J. ;Little, J. D. ;Lorenzo Martinez, N. ;Poddar, G. ;Sanchez Pineda, A. ;Sauvan, E. ;Bernardi, G. ;Bomben, M. ;Li, A. ;Li, T. ;Marchiori, G. ;Nakkalil, K. ;Shen, Q. ;Zhang, Y. ;Chekanov, S. ;Darmora, S. ;Hopkins, W. H. ;Hoya, J. ;Love, J. ;Luongo, N. A. ;Metcalfe, J. ;Mete, A. S. ;Paramonov, A. ;Proudfoot, J. ;Van Gemmeren, P. ;Wamorkar, T. ;Wang, R. ;Zhang, J. ;Cheu, E. ;Cui, Z. ;Ghosh, A. ;Johns, K. A. ;Lampl, W. ;Lindley, R. E. ;Loch, P. ;Rutherfoord, J. P. ;Sardain, J. ;Varnes, E. W. ;Zhou, H. ;Zhou, Y. ;Bakshi Gupta, D. ;Burghgrave, B. ;Cardenas, J. C.J. ;De, K. ;Farbin, A. ;Hadavand, H. K. ;Myers, A. J. ;Ozturk, N. ;Usai, G. ;White, A. ;Angelidakis, S. ;Fassouliotis, D. ;Fountas, L. ;Gkialas, I. ;Kourkoumelis, C. ;Alexopoulos, T. ;Drivas-Koulouris, I. ;Gazis, E. N. ;Kitsaki, C. ;Maltezos, S. ;Paraskevopoulos, C. ;Perganti, M. ;Tzanis, P. ;Andeen, T. ;Burton, C. D. ;Choi, K. ;Onyisi, P. U.E. ;Panchal, D. K. ;Tost, M. ;Unal, M. ;Huseynov, N.; ; ; ;Fernandez Luengo, S.I. ;Fuenzalida Garrido, S.; ;Carolina Robles Gajardo ;Tapia Araya, S.Angular correlations between heavy quarks provide a unique probe of the quark-gluon plasma created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. Results are presented of a measurement of the azimuthal angle correlations between muons originating from semileptonic decays of heavy quarks produced in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb and 𝑝𝑝 collisions at the LHC. The muons are measured with transverse momenta and pseudorapidities satisfying 𝑝𝜇T>4 GeV and |𝜂𝜇|<2.4, respectively. The distributions of azimuthal angle separation Δ𝜙 for muon pairs having pseudorapidity separation |Δ𝜂|>0.8, are measured in different Pb+Pb centrality intervals and compared to the same distribution measured in 𝑝𝑝 collisions at the same center-of-mass energy. Results are presented separately for muon pairs with opposite-sign charges, same-sign charges, and all pairs. A clear peak is observed in all Δ𝜙 distributions at Δ𝜙∼𝜋, consistent with the parent heavy-quark pairs being produced via hard-scattering processes. The widths of that peak, characterized using Cauchy-Lorentz fits to the Δ𝜙 distributions, are found to not vary significantly as a function of Pb+Pb collision centrality and are similar for 𝑝𝑝 and Pb+Pb collisions. This observation will provide important constraints on theoretical descriptions of heavy-quark interactions with the quark-gluon plasma. - PublicationModelling and computational improvements to the simulation of single vector-boson plus jet processes for the ATLAS experiment(2022-08-01)
;Aad, G. ;Abbott, B. ;Abbott, D. C. ;Abed Abud, A. ;Abeling, K. ;Abhayasinghe, D. K. ;Abidi, S. H. ;Aboulhorma, A. ;Abramowicz, H. ;Abreu, H. ;Abulaiti, Y. ;Abusleme Hoffman, A. C. ;Acharya, B. S. ;Achkar, B. ;Adam, L. ;Adam Bourdarios, C. ;Adamczyk, L. ;Adamek, L. ;Addepalli, S. V. ;Adelman, J. ;Adiguzel, A. ;Adorni, S. ;Adye, T. ;Affolder, A. A. ;Afik, Y. ;Agapopoulou, C. ;Agaras, M. N. ;Agarwala, J. ;Aggarwal, A. ;Agheorghiesei, C. ;Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A. ;Ahmad, A. ;Ahmadov, F. ;Ahmed, W. S. ;Ai, X. ;Aielli, G. ;Aizenberg, I. ;Akbiyik, M. ;Åkesson, T. P.A. ;Akimov, A. V. ;Al Khoury, K. ;Alberghi, G. L. ;Albert, J. ;Albicocco, P. ;Alconada Verzini, M. J. ;Alderweireldt, S. ;Aleksa, M. ;Aleksandrov, I. N. ;Alexa, C. ;Alexopoulos, T. ;Alfonsi, A. ;Alfonsi, F. ;Alhroob, M. ;Ali, B. ;Ali, S. ;Aliev, M. ;Alimonti, G. ;Allaire, C. ;Allbrooke, B. M.M. ;Allport, P. P. ;Aloisio, A. ;Alonso, F. ;Alpigiani, C. ;Alunno Camelia, E. ;Alvarez Estevez, M. ;Alviggi, M. G. ;Amaral Coutinho, Y. ;Ambler, A. ;Ambroz, L. ;Amelung, C. ;Amidei, D. ;Amor Dos Santos, S. P. ;Amoroso, S. ;Amos, K. R. ;Amrouche, C. S. ;Ananiev, V. ;Anastopoulos, C. ;Andari, N. ;Andeen, T. ;Anders, J. K. ;Andrean, S. Y. ;Andreazza, A. ;Angelidakis, S. ;Angerami, A. ;Anisenkov, A. V. ;Annovi, A. ;Antel, C. ;Anthony, M. T. ;Antipov, E. ;Antonelli, M. ;Antrim, D. J.A. ;Anulli, F. ;Aoki, M. ;Aparisi Pozo, J. A. ;Aparo, M. A.; ; ; ;C. M. Robles GuajardoThis paper presents updated Monte Carlo configurations used to model the production of single electroweak vector bosons (W, Z/γ∗) in association with jets in proton-proton collisions for the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Improvements pertaining to the electroweak input scheme, parton-shower splitting kernels and scale-setting scheme are shown for multi-jet merged configurations accurate to next-to-leading order in the strong and electroweak couplings. The computational resources required for these set-ups are assessed, and approximations are introduced resulting in a factor three reduction of the per-event CPU time without affecting the physics modelling performance. Continuous statistical enhancement techniques are introduced by ATLAS in order to populate low cross-section regions of phase space and are shown to match or exceed the generated effective luminosity. This, together with the lower per-event CPU time, results in a 50% reduction in the required computing resources compared to a legacy set-up previously used by the ATLAS collaboration. The set-ups described in this paper will be used for future ATLAS analyses and lay the foundation for the next generation of Monte Carlo predictions for single vector-boson plus jets production.Scopus© Citations 7