Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
  • Publication
    Low energy protons as probes of hadronization dynamics
    (2022-10-01) ;
    Accardi, Alberto
    Baker, Mark D.
    Dupré, Raphaël
    Ehrhart, Mathieu
    López, Jorge A.
    Tu, Zhoudunming
    Energetic quarks liberated from hadrons in nuclear deep-inelastic scattering propagate through the nuclear medium, interacting with it via several processes. These include quark energy loss and nuclear interactions of forming hadrons. One manifestation of these interactions is the enhanced emission of low-energy charged particles, referred to as grey tracks. We use the theoretical components of the BeAGLE event generator to interpret grey track signatures of parton transport and hadron formation by comparing its predictions to E665 data. We extend the base version of BeAGLE by adding four different options for describing parton energy loss. The E665 data we used consists of multiplicity ratios for fixed-target scattering of 490 GeV muons on xenon normalized to deuterium as a function of the number of grey tracks. We compare multiplicity ratios for E665 grey tracks to the predictions of BeAGLE, varying the options and parameters to determine which physics phenomena can be identified by these data. We find that grey tracks are unaffected by modifications of the forward production. Thus their production must be dominated by interactions with hadrons in the backward region. This offers the advantage that selecting certain particles in the forward region is unlikely to bias a centrality selection. We see a strong correlation between the number of grey tracks and the in-medium path length. Our energy loss model does not reproduce the suppression observed in the projectile region. We see an underprediction of the proton production rate in backward kinematics, suggesting that a stronger source of interaction with the nuclear medium is needed for accurate modeling. These results lay an important foundation for future spectator tagging studies at both Jefferson Laboratory and at the Electron-Ion Collider, where neutron and proton grey track studies will be feasible down to very small momenta.
  • Publication
    Evidence for the onset of color transparency in ρ 0 electroproduction off nuclei
    El Fassi, L.
    Zana, L.
    Hafidi, K.
    Holtrop, M.
    Mustapha, B.
    ; ;
    Zheng, X.
    Adhikari, K. P.
    Adikaram, D.
    Aghasyan, M.
    Amaryan, M. J.
    Anghinolfi, M.
    Arrington, J.
    Avakian, H.
    Baghdasaryan, H.
    Battaglieri, M.
    Batourine, V.
    Bedlinskiy, I.
    Biselli, A. S.
    Bookwalter, C.
    Branford, D.
    Briscoe, W. J.
    Bültmann, S.
    Burkert, V. D.
    Carman, D. S.
    Celentano, A.
    Chandavar, S.
    Cole, P. L.
    Contalbrigo, M.
    Crede, V.
    D'Angelo, A.
    Daniel, A.
    Dashyan, N.
    De Vita, R.
    De Sanctis, E.
    Deur, A.
    Dey, B.
    Dickson, R.
    Djalali, C.
    Dodge, G. E.
    Doughty, D.
    Dupre, R.
    Egiyan, H.
    Elouadrhiri, L.
    Eugenio, P.
    Fedotov, G.
    Fegan, S.
    Gabrielyan, M. Y.
    Garçon, M.
    Gevorgyan, N.
    Gilfoyle, G. P.
    Giovanetti, K. L.
    Girod, F. X.
    Goetz, J. T.
    Gohn, W.
    Golovatch, E.
    Gothe, R. W.
    Griffioen, K. A.
    Guidal, M.
    Guo, L.
    Hanretty, C.
    Heddle, D.
    Hicks, K.
    Holt, R. J.
    Hyde, C. E.
    Ilieva, Y.
    Ireland, D. G.
    Ishkhanov, B. S.
    Isupov, E. L.
    Jawalkar, S. S.
    Keller, D.
    Khandaker, M.
    Khetarpal, P.
    Kim, A.
    Kim, W.
    Klein, A.
    Klein, F. J.
    Kubarovsky, V.
    Kuhn, S. E.
    Kuznetsov, V.
    Laget, J. M.
    Lu, H. Y.
    MacGregor, I. J.D.
    Mao, Y.
    Markov, N.
    Mayer, M.
    McAndrew, J.
    McKinnon, B.
    Meyer, C. A.
    Mineeva, T.
    Mirazita, M.
    Mokeev, V.
    Moreno, B.
    Moutarde, H.
    Munevar, E.
    Nadel-Turonski, P.
    Ni, A.
    We have measured the nuclear transparency of the incoherent diffractive A(e, e ρ0) process in 12C and 56Fe targets relative to 2H using a 5 GeV electron beam. The nuclear transparency, the ratio of the produced ρ0’s on a nucleus relative to deuterium, which is sensitive to ρ A interaction, was studied as function of the coherence length (lc ), a lifetime of the hadronic fluctuation of the virtual photon, and the four-momentum transfer squared (Q 2). While the transparency for both 12C and 56Fe showed no lc dependence, a significant Q 2 dependence was measured, which is consistent with calculations that included the color transparency effects.
  • Publication
    Search for baryon-number and lepton-number violating decays of Λ hyperons using the CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory
    McCracken, M. E.
    Bellis, M.
    Adhikari, K. P.
    Adikaram, D.
    Akbar, Z.
    Pereira, S. Anefalos
    Badui, R. A.
    Ball, J.
    Baltzell, N. A.
    Battaglieri, M.
    Batourine, V.
    Bedlinskiy, I.
    Biselli, A. S.
    Boiarinov, S.
    Briscoe, W. J.
    Burkert, V. D.
    Cao, T.
    Carman, D. S.
    Celentano, A.
    Chandavar, S.
    Charles, G.
    Colaneri, L.
    Cole, P. L.
    Contalbrigo, M.
    Cortes, O.
    Crede, V.
    D'Angelo, A.
    Dashyan, N.
    De Vita, R.
    De Sanctis, E.
    Deur, A.
    Djalali, C.
    Dodge, G. E.
    Dupre, R.
    Fassi, L. El
    Elouadrhiri, E.
    Eugenio, P.
    Fedotov, G.
    Fegan, S.
    Fersch, R.
    Filippi, A.
    Fleming, J. A.
    Garillon, B.
    Gevorgyan, N.
    Gilfoyle, G. P.
    Giovanetti, K. L.
    Girod, F. X.
    Golovatch, E.
    Gothe, R. W.
    Griffioen, K. A.
    Guidal, M.
    Guo, L.
    Hafidi, K.
    Hanretty, C.
    Hattawy, M.
    Hicks, K.
    Holtrop, M.
    Hughes, S. M.
    Ilieva, Y.
    Ireland, D. G.
    Ishkhanov, B. S.
    Isupov, E. L.
    Jenkins, D.
    Jiang, H.
    Jo, H. S.
    Keller, D.
    Khachatryan, G.
    Khandaker, M.
    Kim, A.
    Kim, W.
    Klein, A.
    Klein, F. J.
    Kubarovsky, V.
    Lenisa, P.
    Livingston, K.
    Lu, H. Y.
    Macgregor, I. J.D.
    Mayer, M.
    McKinnon, B.
    Mestayer, M. D.
    Meyer, C. A.
    Mirazita, M.
    Mokeev, V.
    Moody, C. I.
    Moriya, K.
    Camacho, C. Munoz
    Nadel-Turonski, P.
    Net, L. A.
    Niccolai, S.
    Osipenko, M.
    Ostrovidov, A. I.
    Park, K.
    Pasyuk, E.
    Pisano, S.
    Pogorelko, O.
    Price, J. W.
    Procureur, S.
    We present a search for ten baryon-number violating decay modes of Λ hyperons using the CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory. Nine of these decay modes result in a single meson and single lepton in the final state (Λ → m`) and conserve either the sum or the difference of baryon and lepton number (B ±L). The tenth decay mode (Λ → pπ¯ +) represents a difference in baryon number of two units and no difference in lepton number. We observe no significant signal and set upper limits on the branching fractions of these reactions in the range (4 − 200) × 10−7 at the 90% confidence level.
  • Publication
    Precision measurements of g1 of the proton and of the deuteron with 6 GeV electrons
    Prok, Y.
    Bosted, P.
    Kvaltine, N.
    Adhikari, K. P.
    Adikaram, D.
    Aghasyan, M.
    Amaryan, M. J.
    Anderson, M. D.
    Anefalos Pereira, S.
    Avakian, H.
    Baghdasaryan, H.
    Ball, J.
    Baltzell, N. A.
    Battaglieri, M.
    Biselli, A. S.
    Bono, J.
    Briscoe, W. J.
    Brock, J.
    Bültmann, S.
    Burkert, V. D.
    Carlin, C.
    Carman, D. S.
    Celentano, A.
    Chandavar, S.
    Colaneri, L.
    Cole, P. L.
    Contalbrigo, M.
    Cortes, O.
    Crabb, D.
    Crede, V.
    D'Angelo, A.
    Dashyan, N.
    De Vita, R.
    De Sanctis, E.
    Deur, A.
    Djalali, C.
    Dodge, G. E.
    Doughty, D.
    Dupre, R.
    El Alaoui, A.
    El Fassi, L.
    Elouadrhiri, L.
    Fedotov, G.
    Fegan, S.
    Fersch, R.
    Fleming, J. A.
    Forest, T. A.
    Garçon, M.
    Garillon, B.
    Gevorgyan, N.
    Ghandilyan, Y.
    Gilfoyle, G. P.
    Girod, F. X.
    Giovanetti, K. L.
    Goetz, J. T.
    Gohn, W.
    Gothe, R. W.
    Griffioen, K. A.
    Guegan, B.
    Guler, N.
    Hafidi, K.
    Hanretty, C.
    Harrison, N.
    Hattawy, M.
    Hicks, K.
    Ho, D.
    Holtrop, M.
    Ilieva, Y.
    Ireland, D. G.
    Ishkhanov, B. S.
    Isupov, E. L.
    Jawalkar, S.
    Jiang, X.
    Jo, H. S.
    Joo, K.
    Kalantarians, N.
    Keith, C.
    Keller, D.
    Khandaker, M.
    Kim, A.
    Kim, W.
    Klein, A.
    Klein, F. J.
    Koirala, S.
    Kubarovsky, V.
    Kuhn, S. E.
    Lenisa, P.
    Livingston, K.
    Lu, H. Y.
    Macgregor, I. J.D.
    Markov, N.
    Mayer, M.
    McKinnon, B.
    Meekins, D.
    Mineeva, T.
    Mirazita, M.
    Mokeev, V.
    Montgomery, R. A.
    The inclusive polarized structure functions of the proton and deuteron, g1p and g1d, were measured with high statistical precision using polarized 6 GeV electrons incident on a polarized ammonia target in Hall B at Jefferson Laboratory. Electrons scattered at lab angles between 18 and 45 degrees were detected using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). For the usual DIS kinematics, Q^2>1 GeV^2 and the final-state invariant mass W>2 GeV, the ratio of polarized to unpolarized structure functions g1/F1 is found to be nearly independent of Q^2 at fixed x. Significant resonant structure is apparent at values of W up to 2.3 GeV. In the framework of perturbative QCD, the high-W results can be used to better constrain the polarization of quarks and gluons in the nucleon, as well as high-twist contributions.
  • Publication
    Semi-inclusive π0 target and beam-target asymmetries from 6 GeV electron scattering with CLAS
    Jawalkar, S.
    Koirala, S.
    Avakian, H.
    Bosted, P.
    Griffioen, K. A.
    Keith, C.
    Kuhn, S. E.
    Adhikari, K. P.
    Adhikari, S.
    Adikaram, D.
    Akbar, Z.
    Amaryan, M. J.
    Anefalos Pereira, S.
    Ball, J.
    Baltzell, N. A.
    Battaglieri, M.
    Batourine, V.
    Bedlinskiy, I.
    Biselli, A. S.
    Boiarinov, S.
    Briscoe, W. J.
    Brock, J.
    Bültmann, S.
    Burkert, V. D.
    Cao, Frank Thanh
    Carlin, C.
    Carman, D. S.
    Celentano, A.
    Charles, G.
    Chetry, T.
    Ciullo, G.
    Clark, L.
    Colaneri, L.
    Cole, P. L.
    Contalbrigo, M.
    Cortes, O.
    Crede, V.
    D'Angelo, A.
    Dashyan, N.
    De Vita, R.
    De Sanctis, E.
    Defurne, M.
    Deur, A.
    Djalali, C.
    Ddoge, G.
    Dupre, R.
    Egiyan, H.
    El Fassi, L.
    Elouadrhiri, L.
    Eugenio, P.
    Fedotov, G.
    Fegan, S.
    Fersch, R.
    Filippi, A.
    Fleming, J. A.
    Forest, T. A.
    Fradi, A.
    Garçon, M.
    Ghandilyan, Y.
    Gilfoyle, G. P.
    Giovanetti, K. L.
    Girod, F. X.
    Gleason, C.
    Gohn, W.
    Golovatch, E.
    Gothe, R. W.
    Guidal, M.
    Guler, N.
    Guo, L.
    Hanretty, C.
    Harrison, N.
    Hattawy, M.
    Heddle, D.
    Hicks, K.
    Hollis, G.
    Holtrop, M.
    Hughes, S. M.
    Ilieva, Y.
    Ireland, D. G.
    Ishkhanov, B. S.
    Isupov, E. L.
    Jenkins, D.
    Jiang, H.
    Joo, K.
    Joosten, S.
    Keller, D.
    Khachatryan, G.
    Khachatryan, M.
    Khandaker, M.
    Kim, A.
    Kim, W.
    Klein, A.
    Klein, F. J.
    Kubarovsky, V.
    Lanza, L.
    We present precision measurements of the target and beam-target spin asymmetries from neutral pion electroproduction in deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. We scattered 6-GeV, longitudinally polarized electrons off longitudinally polarized protons in a cryogenic 14NH3 target, and extracted double and single target spin asymmetries for ep → e π0 X in multidimensional bins in four-momentum transfer (1.0 < Q 2 < 3.2 GeV2), Bjorken-x (0.12 < x < 0.48), hadron energy fraction (0.4 < z < 0.7), transverse pion momentum (0 < PT < 1.0 GeV), and azimuthal angle φh between the lepton scattering and hadron production planes. We extracted asymmetries as a function of both x and PT , which provide access to transverse-momentum distributions of longitudinally polarized quarks. The double spin asymmetries depend weakly on PT . The sin 2φh moments are zero within uncertainties, which is consistent with the expected suppression of the Collins fragmentation function. The observed sinφh moments suggest that quark gluon correlations are significant at large x.
  • Publication
    Measurement of exclusive π0 electroproduction structure functions and their relationship to transverse generalized parton distributions
    Bedlinskiy, I.
    Kubarovsky, V.
    Niccolai, S.
    Stoler, P.
    Adhikari, K. P.
    Aghasyan, M.
    Amaryan, M. J.
    Anghinolfi, M.
    Avakian, H.
    Baghdasaryan, H.
    Ball, J.
    Baltzell, N. A.
    Battaglieri, M.
    Bennett, R. P.
    Biselli, A. S.
    Bookwalter, C.
    Boiarinov, S.
    Briscoe, W. J.
    Burkert, V. D.
    Carman, D. S.
    Celentano, A.
    Chandavar, S.
    Charles, G.
    Contalbrigo, M.
    Crede, V.
    D'Angelo, A.
    Daniel, A.
    Dashyan, N.
    De Vita, R.
    De Sanctis, E.
    Deur, A.
    Djalali, C.
    Doughty, D.
    Dupre, R.
    Egiyan, H.
    El Alaoui, A.
    El Fassi, L.
    Elouadrhiri, L.
    Eugenio, P.
    Fedotov, G.
    Fegan, S.
    Fleming, J. A.
    Forest, T. A.
    Fradi, A.
    Garçon, M.
    Gevorgyan, N.
    Giovanetti, K. L.
    Girod, F. X.
    Gohn, W.
    Gothe, R. W.
    Graham, L.
    Griffioen, K. A.
    Guegan, B.
    Guidal, M.
    Guo, L.
    Hafidi, K.
    Hanretty, C.
    Heddle, D.
    Hicks, K.
    Holtrop, M.
    Ilieva, Y.
    Ireland, D. G.
    Ishkhanov, B. S.
    Isupov, E. L.
    Jo, H. S.
    Joo, K.
    Keller, D.
    Khandaker, M.
    Khetarpal, P.
    Kim, A.
    Kim, W.
    Klein, F. J.
    Koirala, S.
    Kubarovsky, A.
    Kuhn, S. E.
    Kvaltine, N. D.
    Livingston, K.
    Lu, H. Y.
    MacGregor, I. J.D.
    Mao, Y.
    Markov, N.
    Martinez, D.
    Mayer, M.
    McKinnon, B.
    Meyer, C. A.
    Mineeva, T.
    Mirazita, M.
    Mokeev, V.
    Moutarde, H.
    Munevar, E.
    Munoz Camacho, C.
    Nadel-Turonski, P.
    Niculescu, G.
    Niculescu, I.
    Osipenko, M.
    Ostrovidov, A. I.
    Pappalardo, L. L.
    Exclusive 0 electroproduction at a beam energy of 5.75 GeV has been measured with the Jefferson Lab CLAS spectrometer. Differential cross sections were measured at more than 1800 kinematic values in Q2, xB, t, and , in the Q2 range from 1.0 to 4:6 GeV2, t up to 2 GeV2, and xB from 0.1 to 0.58. Structure functions T þ L, TT, and LT were extracted as functions of t for each of 17 combinations of Q2 and xB. The data were compared directly with two handbag-based calculations including both longitudinal and transversity generalized parton distributions (GPDs). Inclusion of only longitudinal GPDs very strongly underestimates T þ L and fails to account for TT and LT, while inclusion of transversity GPDs brings the calculations into substantially better agreement with the data. There is very strong sensitivity to the relative contributions of nucleon helicity-flip and helicity nonflip processes. The results confirm that exclusive 0 electroproduction offers direct experimental access to the transversity GPDs.
  • Publication
    First measurement of Ξ polarization in photoproduction
    Bono, J.
    Guo, L.
    Raue, B. A.
    Adhikari, S.
    Kunkel, M. C.
    Akbar, Z.
    Amaryan, M. J.
    Ball, J.
    Barion, L.
    Bashkanov, M.
    Battaglieri, M.
    Batourine, V.
    Bedlinskiy, I.
    Biselli, A. S.
    Burkert, V. D.
    Cao, F.
    Carman, D. S.
    Celentano, A.
    Charles, G.
    Chetry, T.
    Ciullo, G.
    Clary, Brandon A.
    Cole, P. L.
    Contalbrigo, M.
    Crede, V.
    D'Angelo, A.
    Dashyan, N.
    De Vita, R.
    Defurne, M.
    Deur, A.
    Diehl, S.
    Djalali, C.
    Dugger, M.
    Egiyan, H.
    El Fassi, L.
    Eugenio, P.
    Fedotov, G.
    Filippi, A.
    Fradi, A.
    Gavalian, G.
    Gevorgyan, N.
    Ghandilyan, Y.
    Girod, F. X.
    Glazier, D. I.
    Gohn, W.
    Golovatch, E.
    Gothe, R. W.
    Griffioen, K. A.
    Hafidi, K.
    Harrison, N.
    Hattawy, M.
    Heddle, D.
    Hicks, K.
    Holtrop, M.
    Ilieva, Y.
    Ireland, D. G.
    Isupov, E. L.
    Jo, H. S.
    Johnston, S.
    Kabir, M. L.
    Keller, D.
    Khachatryan, G.
    Khachatryan, M.
    Khandaker, M.
    Kim, A.
    Kim, W.
    Klein, A.
    Klein, F. J.
    Kubarovsky, V.
    Lenisa, P.
    Livingston, K.
    MacGregor, I. J.D.
    Markov, N.
    McKinnon, B.
    Mineeva, T.
    Montgomery, R. A.
    Munoz Camacho, C.
    Niculescu, G.
    Osipenko, M.
    Ostrovidov, A. I.
    Paolone, M.
    Paremuzyan, R.
    Park, K.
    Pasyuk, E.
    Phelps, W.
    Pogorelko, O.
    Price, J. W.
    Prok, Y.
    Protopopescu, D.
    Ripani, M.
    Rizzo, A.
    Rosner, G.
    Sabatié, F.
    Salgado, C.
    Schumacher, R. A.
    Sharabian, Y.
    Despite decades of studies of the photoproduction of hyperons, both their production mechanisms and their spectra of excited states are still largely unknown. While the parity-violating weak decay of hyperons offers a means of measuring their polarization, which could help discern their production mechanisms and identify their excitation spectra, no such study has been possible for doubly strange baryons in photoproduction, due to low production cross sections. However, by making use of the reaction , we have measured, for the first time, the induced polarization, P, and the transferred polarization from circularly polarized real photons, characterized by and , to recoiling s. The data were obtained using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab for photon energies from just over threshold (2.4 GeV) to 5.45 GeV. These first-time measurements are compared, and are shown to broadly agree, with model predictions in which cascade photoproduction proceeds through the decay of intermediate hyperon resonances that are produced via relativistic meson exchange, offering a new step forward in the understanding of the production and polarization of doubly-strange baryons.
  • Publication
    Beam–target helicity asymmetry E in K+Σ photoproduction on the neutron
    Zachariou, N.
    Watts, D. P.
    Fleming, J.
    Sarantsev, A. V.
    Nikonov, V. A.
    D'Angelo, A.
    Bashkanov, M.
    Hanretty, C.
    Kageya, T.
    Klein, F. J.
    Lowry, M.
    Lu, H.
    Sandorfi, A.
    Wei, X.
    Zonta, I.
    Adhikari, K. P.
    Adhikari, S.
    Amaryan, M. J.
    Angelini, G.
    Asryan, G.
    Atac, H.
    Barion, L.
    Bass, C.
    Battaglieri, M.
    Bedlinskiy, I.
    Benmokhtar, F.
    Bianconi, A.
    Biselli, A. S.
    Bossù, F.
    Boiarinov, S.
    Briscoe, W. J.
    Bulumulla, D.
    Burkert, V.
    Carman, D. S.
    Carvajal, J. C.
    Celentano, A.
    Charles, G.
    Chatagnon, P.
    Chetry, T.
    Ciullo, G.
    Cole, P. L.
    Contalbrigo, M.
    Dashyan, N.
    De Vita, R.
    Deur, A.
    Diehl, S.
    Djalali, C.
    Dupre, R.
    Egiyan, H.
    Ehrhart, M.
    Eugenio, P.
    Fegan, S.
    Fersch, R.
    Filippi, A.
    Gavalian, G.
    Gevorgyan, N.
    Ghandilyan, Y.
    Gilfoyle, G. P.
    Girod, F. X.
    Gohn, W.
    Golovatch, E.
    Gothe, R. W.
    Griffioen, K. A.
    Guidal, M.
    Hafidi, K.
    Hattawy, M.
    Heddle, D.
    Hicks, K.
    Ho, D.
    Holtrop, M.
    Ilieva, Y.
    Ireland, D. G.
    Ishkhanov, B. S.
    Isupov, E. L.
    Jenkins, D.
    Jo, H. S.
    Joo, K.
    Joosten, S. J.
    Keller, D.
    Khachatryan, M.
    Khanal, A.
    Khandaker, M.
    Kim, C. W.
    Kim, W.
    Kubarovsky, V.
    Lanza, L.
    Leali, M.
    Lenisa, P.
    Livingston, K.
    MacGregor, I. J.D.
    Marchand, D.
    Markov, N.
    Marsicano, L.
    Mascagna, V.
    Mayer, M.
    Soto, O.
    We report a measurement of a beam–target double-polarisation observable (E) for the γn(p) → K +−(p) reaction. The data were obtained impinging the circularly-polarised energy-tagged photon beam of Hall B at Jefferson Lab on a longitudinally-polarised frozen-spin hydrogen deuteride (HD) nuclear target. The E observable for an effective neutron target was determined for centre-of-mass energies 1.70 ≤ W ≤ 2.30 GeV, with reaction products detected over a wide angular acceptance by the CLAS spectrometer. These new double-polarisation data give unique constraints on the strange decays of excited neutron states. Inclusion of the new data within the Bonn-Gatchina theoretical model results in significant changes for the extracted photocouplings of a number of established nucleon resonances. Possible improvements in the PWA description of the experimental data with additional “missing” resonance states, including the N(2120)3/2− resonance, are also quantified.
  • Publication
    Modelling and computational improvements to the simulation of single vector-boson plus jet processes for the ATLAS experiment
    Aad, G.
    Abbott, B.
    Abbott, D. C.
    Abed Abud, A.
    Abeling, K.
    Abhayasinghe, D. K.
    Abidi, S. H.
    Aboulhorma, A.
    Abramowicz, H.
    Abreu, H.
    Abulaiti, Y.
    Abusleme Hoffman, A. C.
    Acharya, B. S.
    Achkar, B.
    Adam, L.
    Adam Bourdarios, C.
    Adamczyk, L.
    Adamek, L.
    Addepalli, S. V.
    Adelman, J.
    Adiguzel, A.
    Adorni, S.
    Adye, T.
    Affolder, A. A.
    Afik, Y.
    Agapopoulou, C.
    Agaras, M. N.
    Agarwala, J.
    Aggarwal, A.
    Agheorghiesei, C.
    Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A.
    Ahmad, A.
    Ahmadov, F.
    Ahmed, W. S.
    Ai, X.
    Aielli, G.
    Aizenberg, I.
    Akbiyik, M.
    Åkesson, T. P.A.
    Akimov, A. V.
    Al Khoury, K.
    Alberghi, G. L.
    Albert, J.
    Albicocco, P.
    Alconada Verzini, M. J.
    Alderweireldt, S.
    Aleksa, M.
    Aleksandrov, I. N.
    Alexa, C.
    Alexopoulos, T.
    Alfonsi, A.
    Alfonsi, F.
    Alhroob, M.
    Ali, B.
    Ali, S.
    Aliev, M.
    Alimonti, G.
    Allaire, C.
    Allbrooke, B. M.M.
    Allport, P. P.
    Aloisio, A.
    Alonso, F.
    Alpigiani, C.
    Alunno Camelia, E.
    Alvarez Estevez, M.
    Alviggi, M. G.
    Amaral Coutinho, Y.
    Ambler, A.
    Ambroz, L.
    Amelung, C.
    Amidei, D.
    Amor Dos Santos, S. P.
    Amoroso, S.
    Amos, K. R.
    Amrouche, C. S.
    Ananiev, V.
    Anastopoulos, C.
    Andari, N.
    Andeen, T.
    Anders, J. K.
    Andrean, S. Y.
    Andreazza, A.
    Angelidakis, S.
    Angerami, A.
    Anisenkov, A. V.
    Annovi, A.
    Antel, C.
    Anthony, M. T.
    Antipov, E.
    Antonelli, M.
    Antrim, D. J.A.
    Anulli, F.
    Aoki, M.
    Aparisi Pozo, J. A.
    Aparo, M. A.
    ; ; ;
    C. M. Robles Guajardo
    This paper presents updated Monte Carlo configurations used to model the production of single electroweak vector bosons (W, Z/γ∗) in association with jets in proton-proton collisions for the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Improvements pertaining to the electroweak input scheme, parton-shower splitting kernels and scale-setting scheme are shown for multi-jet merged configurations accurate to next-to-leading order in the strong and electroweak couplings. The computational resources required for these set-ups are assessed, and approximations are introduced resulting in a factor three reduction of the per-event CPU time without affecting the physics modelling performance. Continuous statistical enhancement techniques are introduced by ATLAS in order to populate low cross-section regions of phase space and are shown to match or exceed the generated effective luminosity. This, together with the lower per-event CPU time, results in a 50% reduction in the required computing resources compared to a legacy set-up previously used by the ATLAS collaboration. The set-ups described in this paper will be used for future ATLAS analyses and lay the foundation for the next generation of Monte Carlo predictions for single vector-boson plus jets production.
    Scopus© Citations 7
  • Publication
    Search for new phenomena in three- or four-lepton events in ppcollisions at √s = 13TeV with the ATLAS detector
    Aad, G.
    Abbott, B.
    Abbott, D. C.
    Abed Abud, A.
    Abeling, K.
    Abhayasinghe, D. K.
    Abidi, S. H.
    AbouZeid, O. S.
    Abramowicz, H.
    Abreu, H.
    Abulaiti, Y.
    Abusleme Hoffman, A. C.
    Acharya, B. S.
    Achkar, B.
    Adam, L.
    Adam Bourdarios, C.
    Adamczyk, L.
    Adamek, L.
    Adelman, J.
    Adiguzel, A.
    Adorni, S.
    Adye, T.
    Affolder, A. A.
    Afik, Y.
    Agapopoulou, C.
    Agaras, M. N.
    Ahmad, A.
    Ahmed, W. S.
    Ai, X.
    Aielli, G.
    Akatsuka, S.
    Albert, J.
    Alconada Verzini, M. J.
    Alderweireldt, S.
    Aleksa, M.
    Aleksandrov, I. N.
    Alexa, C.
    Alfonsi, A.
    Ali, S.
    Aliev, M.
    Alimonti, G.
    Allaire, C.
    Allbrooke, B. M.M.
    Allport, P. P.
    Aloisio, A.
    Alonso, F.
    Alpigiani, C.
    Alvarez Estevez, M.
    Alviggi, M. G.
    Amaral Coutinho, Y.
    Ambler, A.
    Ambroz, L.
    Amelung, C.
    Amidei, D.
    Amor Dos Santos, S. P.
    Amoroso, S.
    Amrouche, C. S.
    Anastopoulos, C.
    Andari, N.
    Andeen, T.
    Anders, J. K.
    Andrean, S. Y.
    Andreazza, A.
    Andrei, V.
    Angelidakis, S.
    Angerami, A.
    Anthony, M. T.
    Antipov, E.
    Antonelli, M.
    Antrim, D. J.A.
    Anulli, F.
    Aoki, M.
    Aparisi Pozo, J. A.
    ; ; ;
    C.M Robles Gajardo
    R. A. Rojas
    Arena, E.
    Arguin, J. F.
    Argyropoulos, S.
    A search with minimal model dependence for physics beyond the Standard Model in events featuring three or four charged leptons (3l and 4l, l = e, mu) is presented. The analysis aims to be sensitive to a wide range of potential new-physics theories simultaneously. This analysis uses data from pp collisions delivered by the Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 13 TeV and recorded with the ATLAS detector, corresponding to the full Run 2 dataset of 139 fb(-1). The 3l and 4l phase space is divided into 22 event categories according to the number of leptons in the event, the missing transverse momentum, the invariant mass of the leptons, and the presence of leptons originating from a Z-boson candidate. These event categories are analysed independently for the presence of deviations from the Standard Model. No statistically significant deviations from the Standard Model predictions are observed. Upper limits for all signal regions are reported in terms of the visible cross-section.
    Scopus© Citations 15