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Quasi-Dirac neutrinos in the linear seesaw model

2022-02-21, Arbeláez, C., DIB VENTURELLI, CLAUDIO OMAR, Monsálvez-Pozo, K., SCHMIDT, IVAN

We implement a minimal linear seesaw model (LSM) for addressing the Quasi-Dirac (QD) behaviour of heavy neutrinos, focusing on the mass regime of MN . MW . Here we show that for relatively low neutrino masses, covering the few GeV range, the same-sign to opposite-sign dilepton ratio, R`` , can be anywhere between 0 and 1, thus signaling a Quasi-Dirac regime. Particular values of R`` are controlled by the width of the QD neutrino and its mass splitting, the latter being equal to the light-neutrino mass mν in the LSM scenario. The current upper bound on mν1 together with the projected sensitivities of current and future |UN` | 2 experimental measurements, set stringent constraints on our low-scale QD mass regime. Some experimental prospects of testing the model by LHC displaced vertex searches are also discussed.

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Bounds on lepton flavor violating physics and decays of neutral mesons from τ (μ) →3â.,", â.,"γγ -decays

2019-02-01, DIB VENTURELLI, CLAUDIO OMAR, Gutsche, Thomas, Kovalenko, Sergey G., Lyubovitskij, Valery E., SCHMIDT, IVAN

We study two- and three-body lepton flavor violating (LFV) decays involving leptons and neu- tral vector bosons V = ρ0, ω, φ, J/ψ, Υ, Z0, as well as pseudoscalar P = π0, η, η′, ηc and scalar S = f0(500), f0(980), a0(980), χc0(1P ) mesons, without referring to a specific mechanism of LFV realization. In particular, we relate the rates of the three-body LFV decays τ (μ) → 3`, where ` = μ or e, to the two-body LFV decays (V, P ) → τ μ(τ e, μe), where V and P play the role of intermediate resonances in the decay process τ (μ) → 3`. From the experimental upper bounds for the branching ratios of τ (μ) → 3` decays, we derive upper limits for the branching ratios of (V, P ) → τ μ(τ e, μe). We compare our results to the available experimental data and known theoretical upper limits from previous studies of LFV processes and find that some of our limits are several orders of magnitude more stringent. Using the idea of quark-hadron duality, we extract limits on various quark-lepton dimension-six LFV operators from data on lepton decays. Some of these limits are either new or stronger than those existing in the literature.

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Probing the Dirac or Majorana nature of the heavy neutrinos in pure leptonic decays at the LHC

2018-03-01, Arbelaéz, Carolina, DIB VENTURELLI, CLAUDIO OMAR, SCHMIDT, IVAN, Vasquez, Juan Carlos

We propose a strategy for distinguishing the Dirac / Majorana character of heavy neutrinos with masses below the W boson mass, using purely leptonic decays at the LHC. The strategy makes use of a forward-backward asymmetry of the opposite charge lepton in the W+→l+l+l′−ν decay. In order to check the experimental feasibility of the model, we show, through a numerical analysis, that in the decay W+→e+e+μ−ν the two positrons in the final state can be distinguished for different ranges of the heavy neutrino masses. Finally, we estimated the number of events of W+→e+e+μ−ν for a Dirac and Majorana N neutrino. For an integrated luminosity of 120 fb−1 at LHC RUN II, signals can be found if heavy-to-light neutrino mixings are |UNμ|^2,|UNe|^2≳10−6.