Schmidt, Ivan
Heavy quarkonium in the saturated environment of high-multiplicity pp collisions
2020-03-01, Kopeliovich, Boris, Pirner, H. J., Potashnikova, I. K., Reygers, K., Schmidt, Ivan
High-multiplicity pp collisions exhibit features, traditionally associated with nuclear effects. Coherence motivates to treat high-multiplicity pp, pA, and AA collisions on an equal footing. We rely on the phenomenological parametrization for mean multiplicities of light hadrons and J=ψ, assuming their linear dependence on Ncoll in pA collisions. The results of this approach underestimate the recently measured production rate of J=ψ at very high hadronic multiplicities. The linear dependence of J=ψ multiplicity on Ncoll is subject to predicted nonlinear corrections, related to mutual boosting of the saturation scales in colliding dense parton clouds. A parameter-free calculation of the nonlinear corrections allows us to explain data for pT-integrated yield of J=ψ at high hadronic multiplicities. Calculations are in a good accord with data binned in several pT intervals as well. As was predicted, ϒ and J=ψ are equally suppressed at forward rapidities in pA collisions. Consequently, their fractional multiplicities at forward rapidities in pp collisions are equal as well, and their magnitude agrees with data.
A renormalizable left-right symmetric model with low scale seesaw mechanisms
2022-03-01, Carcamo Hernández, Antonio, Schmidt, Ivan
We propose a low scale renormalizable left-right symmetric theory that successfully explains the observed SM fermion mass hierarchy, the tiny values for the light active neutrino masses and is consistent with the lepton and baryon asymmetries of the Universe, the muon and electron anomalous magnetic moments as well as with the constraints arising from the meson oscillations. In the proposed model the top and exotic quarks obtain masses at tree level, whereas the masses of the bottom, charm and strange quarks, tau and muon leptons are generated from a tree level Universal Seesaw mechanism, thanks to their mixings with the charged exotic vector like fermions. The masses for the first generation SM charged fermions arise from a radiative seesaw mechanism at one loop level, mediated by charged vector like fermions and electrically neutral scalars. The light active neutrino masses are produced from a one-loop level inverse seesaw mechanism mediated by electrically neutral scalar singlets and right handed Majorana neutrinos. Our model is also consistent with the experimental constraints arising from the Higgs diphoton decay rate as well as with the constraints arising from charged lepton flavor violation. We also discuss the and heavy scalar production at a proton-proton collider.
How low-scale trinification sheds light in the flavor hierarchies, neutrino puzzle, dark matter, and leptogenesis
2020-11-06, Carcamo Hernández, Antonio, Huong, D. T., Kovalenko, Sergey, Morais, António P., Pasechnik, Roman, Schmidt, Ivan
We propose a low-scale renormalizable trinification theory that successfully explains the flavor hierarchies and neutrino puzzle in the Standard Model (SM), as well as provides a dark matter candidate and also contains the necessary means for efficient leptogenesis. The proposed theory is based on the trinification SUð3ÞC × SUð3ÞL × SUð3ÞR gauge symmetry, which is supplemented with an additional flavor symmetry Uð1ÞX × Zð1Þ 2 × Zð2Þ 2 . In the proposed model the top quark and the exotic fermions acquire tree-level masses, whereas the lighter SM charged fermions gain masses radiatively at one-loop level. In addition, the light active neutrino masses arise from a combination of radiative and type-I seesaw mechanisms, with the Dirac neutrino mass matrix generated at one-loop level
Vector mesons in nuclear μ--e- conversion
2004-06-17, Faessler, Amand, Gutsche, Th, Kovalenko, Sergey, Lyubovitskij, Valery, Schmidt, Ivan, Šimkovic, F.
We study nuclear µ−–e− conversion in the general framework of an effective Lagrangian approach without referring to any specific realization of the physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) responsible for lepton flavor violation (L/f ). We show that vector meson exchange between lepton and nucleon currents plays an important role in this process. A new issue of this mechanism is the presence of the strange quark vector current contribution induced by the φ meson. This allows us to extract new limits on the L/f lepton–quark effective couplings from the existing experimental data.
Novel mechanism for suppression of heavy flavored mesons in heavy ion collisions
2019-02-25, Kopeliovich, Boris, Nemchik, J., Potashnikova, I. K., Schmidt, Ivan
Production of heavy flavored hadrons from fragmentation of heavy quarks represents an alternative probe for a medium created after heavy ion collisions. We demonstrate that observed strong suppression of heavy flavored D and B mesons, produced with high transverse momenta pT, is caused by final state interactions with such a medium. The space-time pattern of hadronization of a highly virtual heavy quark is controlled predominantly by intensive gluon radiation, which is ceased at a short time scale in accordance with perturbative QCD calculations and LEP measurements of the fragmentation functions. However, production of heavy flavored hadrons lasts a long time due to prompt multiple breakups of produced colorless (pre)hadrons in the medium. This fact together with the specific shape of heavy quark fragmentation function, peaked at large z, allows to explain the observed strong suppression of D and B mesons in a good accord with data.